The present social and economic context, connected to Romania’s aspirations concerning European integration involves achievements and performances in all activity fields.
The duty of any institution in the national education system, irrespective of the type, level or form of organization, is to ensure quality teaching, learning and research, in order to lay the foundation of an institutional culture of quality education, to contribute to the personal and professional development of the young generation and to the wellbeing of society in its whole.
The policies and strategies of quality assurance in the Romanian national education system have as landmark the permanent correlation with the trends and actions promoted at European and international level, in accordance with the recommendations of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, recommendations that have been adopted by the Ministry Conference in Bergen (19-20 May 2005).
Prestigious entities at the highest level of the Romanian education system, such as: the Executive Unit for the Financing of Higher Education and University Scientific Research (UEFISCSU), along with the Scientific Research National Council (CNCSIS) and the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) ensure the coordination of strategic projects to increase the quality of higher education and university research, whose purpose is to reform, from a quality point of view, the Romanian education system.
In this context, “Danubius" University set as a goal and successfully managed to implement the Management and Quality Assurance System ISO 9001:2008, in April 2010 obtaining the certification from the European certification body QSCert ( At the beginning of May 2013, "Danubius" University obtained the recertification concerning the implementation of the ISO 9001:2008 system from the same European body.