The forms of Distance Learning and Part-Time are coordinated by the Department of Distance Learning and Part Time (DL-PT) of the "Danubius" University, which is part of the institution, with its own administrative structures.
The curricula of the DL-PT study programs are developed in consistence with the mission and goals of the specializations, so as to ensure the training equivalent to that of daily education, and the share of the fundamental and specialized subjects is assessed in the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).
In order to maintain the objectives of the DL-PT curricula to the standards and criteria of the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education – ARACIS, the DL-PT Department has a “quality management program” structured based on these criteria and it presents an organization coordinated towards meeting the quality standards and procedures:
DL-PT Department is the structural framework of the university that runs all programs study of Distance learning and part-time education.
DL-PT is organized and it operates according to its regulation approved in the University Senate.
Department collaborates with university faculties to conduct DL-PT curricula with the deans and programcoordinators who are part of the Leading board of the department. Collaboration occurs in the joint actions such as:
- Designing the curricula;
- preparing the syllabus / curriculum of disciplines;
- the use of the material resources;
- the secretarial work;
Undergraduate studies
Law - DL
Law - PT
The Economy of Commerce, Tourism and Services (ECTS) – DL
Finance and Banking (FB) – DL
Communication and Public Relations (CPR) – DL
Accounting and Management Information Systems (AMIS) – PT
Finance and Banking (FB) – PT
Master studies
Law and European Public Administration (LEPA) - PT
The department is headed by a Director with management responsibilities of the entire DL-PR process at the university level. It has the necessary qualifications and experience of leadership. The department has its own secretariat, where it is is administered, in accordance with security and privacy norms, all the data on the overall activity of students.
The Management Team
Director of the DL-PT Department
Senior Lecturer Alina Nuţă, PhD
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Program Coordinator Law - DL
Senior Lecturer Angelica Chirilă, PhD
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Program coordinator ECTS - DL
Senior Lecturer Laura Danilescu, PhD in progress
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Program coordinator FB - DL
Assistant Professor Ivan Maria – Alexandra, PhD in progress
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Chief Secretary DL-PR: Economist Viorica-Veronica Serea
She ensures the secretariat activities for the following programs of study: Law DL & PT
Phone: +4 0372 361 317
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Economist Daniela Tanase
She ensures the secretariat activities for the following programs of study: ECTS - DL, FB- DL, CPR-DL
Phone: +40372 361 227
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Eng. Anca Alexandra Dodan
She ensures the secretariat activities for the following programs of study: LEPA - PT
Phone: +40372 361 207
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Eng. Dorina Puşcaşu
She ensures the secretariat activities for the following programs of study: AMIS- PT, FB-PT
Phone: +40372 361 217
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bachelor in Communication Sciences Angelica Carp
She ensures public relations
Phone: +40372 361 251
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Jurist Silvia Giorgiana Stroia
She ensures public relations
Phone: +40372 361 250
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