
The research is the link between idea and progress. It is the typical human activity that brings a plus of performance and comfort in the civilized society. It is the superior representation of curiosity and of testing it.

In the modern world, the scientific research activity is essential to communities who want to permanently overcome their condition. The progress is the essence of human civilization and the scientific research assures this progress. Increasingly, however, the focus is on keeping conditions and opportunities for progress from generation to generation (sustainable development). So still the scientific research is the one that needs to find the measure of all things and to systematize the development priorities. Also through scientific progress and the accumulation of knowledge, the innovative communities find the sustainable path and they discover how to make the compromise between the progress at any cost and the sustainable and durable progress.

The paradigm of the modern world has changed. We have all passed from “think big” to “think green”. The paradigm of progress is continuously changing and it reformulates itself every day. Under these circumstances the shift from speed by limitless effort to speed by calculating the minimum effort is a goal that scientists worldwide are working on continuously.

We as a university and as innovative community must contribute to this effort for changing the paradigm. We are the ones that by direct effort, but also through those that we train for the working life, we participate in building a sustainable world.

That is why the scientific research must be understood as an essential element not only for the university or research institution where it is conducted. That is because this activity is outsourced by its purpose - which must relate to the real needs of the society - and by its results - which are the answer of the scientific world to those identified needs.

At the “Danubius” University, we propose a systemic approach to scientific issues, approach in which all stakeholders have their place - from students to specialized institutions and local and national authorities. This approach ensures the progress and success, not only ours, but of the community in general.

“Danubius” University is involved in the national and international projects of research, development and innovation, with good results, visible and valued in the academic (publications, reports, didactic dissemination), economic and social context (case studies, business counseling, sustainable development).

“Danubius” University actively participates in working meetings organized under the five strategic projects coordinated by the UEFISCSU and CNCSIS (www.forhe.ro).

Associate Professor, Florian NUTA, PhD.

Vice-Rector for Scientific Research

Danubius University
