The list of research projects undertaken by the Danubius University in last 3 years
The list of research projects filed by the Danubius University in last 2 years
The "Danubius" University of Galati is partner within the project "Graduates and the labor market”. The national study for monitoring the insertion of graduates from higher education within the labor market, implemented by EUFHEURC - NCSRHE and financed by the European Social Fund within the Sectorial Operational Program for Human Resources Development (SOP HRD), the second priority Axis "Linking life-long learning with the labor market ", the major Field of Intervention 2.1" Transition from school to an active life", section "Learn a trade!".
The project aims at developing tools for monitoring the socio-professional paths of higher education graduates and their implementation at national and institutional level.
The pilot study for monitoring the insertion of graduates from higher education from public and private institutions within the labor market, has, at its core, the results of the Phare Program TVET-RO 2005, from which the methodologies and tools for monitoring labor market insertion of graduates of higher institutions were developed, its results being recommended by the Ministry of Education in the framework methodology approved by the Ministry Order no. 6012 from the 21st of November 2008.
By participating in the pilot study, The "Danubius" University of Galati benefits from tools and a unitary research methodology for inserting their own graduates in the labor market. The object of the cooperation agreement between EUFHEURC and DUG is to carry out and implement, at the level of the university, a study for monitoring the insertion of its graduates in the labor market and to develop and strengthen the necessary institutional capacity in order to periodically accomplish such monitoring studies, with a permanent nature. The study for monitoring the labor market insertion of higher education graduates is addressed to graduates, one year after their graduation until after at least five years after their graduation. As such, the project aims to observe and analyze the socio-professional path immediately after graduation and after a period, considered sufficient in order to achieve a certain professional level, and shaping of an individual perception on the professional and employment needs / necessities.
The project's team (institutional)
Corneliu-Andy PUSCA - Institutional coordination and supervising
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Anca Alexandra DODAN - Communication and secretariat
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Alina Ana DUMITRACHE - Communication and enquiry implementation
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Dorin MATEI - Communication and enquiry implementation
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Gabriela VIRLAN - Consolidation and data base validation
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Alina Beatrice RAILEANU - IT aspects in the management of data bases
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Contact Anca Alexandra DODAN
telephone nr.: 0372361207, 0733180153
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VEHMED - "Media vehicles for training of practical skills, television and newspapers operated by students for students" is a project co-funded from the European Social Fund through the Sectorial Operational Program for Human Resources Development 2007-2013, second priority axis - "Linking lifelong learning with the labor market ", Major area of intervention 2.1 -" Transition from school to an active life", Reference number for the non-refundable financing POSDRU contract 90/2.1./S/64002
VEHMED is a project for professional development and labor market integration in the media sector, financed by the European Social Fund SOPHRD, coordinated by the "GOLD" - National Association of Human Resources Specialists (NAHRS) and developed in partnership with Babes Bolyai University, Hyperion Univeristy and Danubius University, along with Magazine "22", Romanian Association for Project Management, The Association of Journalists in Romania, FILMNOTIC and Media Consulting Group (France).
VEHMED is an innovative project, through the construction of special media vehicles for training practical skills of journalism students. The project is student oriented and not oriented toward the process of practice from the curriculum and provides services in an integrated approach, to a number of 400 students. The central issue addressed by the project is reflected by the fact that the activities from the educational system - which should lead to the creation of specific skills (laboratories, for example) are very difficult to put into practice in this area (due to high investment) or are carried out formally, having a limited impact (i.e. student’s internship in some media companies, especially because companies are unlikely to delegate real tasks to students because a failure may significantly affect their functionality).
Therefore "VEHMED - Media vehicles for training practical skills, television and newspapers operated by students for students' answers the Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Labor (2005-2008) recommended by the European Commission:
Guideline 3 - Providing labor market inclusion for people looking for employment and for disadvantaged groups through the early identification of needs, assistance for employment search, guidance and professional training as part of personalized action plans.
Guideline 4 - Improving the correlation with labor market needs through greater transparency for employment and training opportunities at national level; better forecasting of training needs, shortcomings and difficulties in the labor market.
Guideline 8 - Adapting the education and training systems to the new competence requirements through a better identification of occupational needs and key competencies and forecasting future needs of skills.
The project assures the effective fulfillment of some tasks that will be required on future and diverse labor placements, facilitating the forwarding of the transition from school to work. Learning at work, carried out prior to graduation, will enable students to make early decisions concerning his/her professional career. The project contributes to increasing the flexibility of graduates at their first job requirements and creates the preconditions for a lasting partnership between universities and employers in the media industry.
The VEHMED project's objectives are: to increase the understanding degree of students concerning the context in which they will work, to facilitate the practice of journalism in a real environment, to transfer to students relevant information concerning successful practices and experiences in the profession of journalism in Romania and France, and to improve the capacity to promote students' professional skills and abilities.
The main activities of the project are:
- The creation of three T.V. mini-studios for online broadcasting and the providing of the necessary resources for the production of three local newspapers. These media vehicles will be developed within a simulated enterprise and will be operated by students for students.
Organizing debates and information sessions with established journalists, as well as an exchange of experience at various TV studios and newspaper editorial offices in France for 60 students who achieved outstanding results in the training process.
Providing personalized career advice sessions in relation to specific labor market requirements, developing tools to promote and facilitate contacts with different employers.
More details about this project can be found on the site