The Rector of the University of European Studies of Moldova, Doctor Honoris Causa at the "Danubius" University
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Emotional moments today, 27.10. 2016, at the “Danubius” University of Galati, we have received with great honor, a new member: Professor Iurie SEDLEŢCHI, PhD, Rector of the University of European Studies of Moldova.
The ceremony was opened by the President of the Senate of “Danubius” University, Mrs. Associate Professor Mirela ARSITH, PhD, integrating the audience into the solemn atmosphere of a meeting with one-point in the agenda: awarding the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Professor Iurie SEDLEŢCHI, PhD.
The Rector of “Danubius” University, Associate Professor Andy PUŞCĂ, PhD has described the new member of the university as an old friend and collaborator, “a personality in the legal and European culture, founder of an elite university in Republic of Moldova, a university that makes us the honor of becoming a partner, long ago creating together the foundations of the European projects that will be successful soon. Furthermore, the leader of “Danubius” University has emphasized his will for the two private universities to become a whole, in order to contribute through ideas and knowledge transfer to the development of the Galati region.
Clearly emotional in his role, after hearing the Laudatio of Mrs. Associate Professor Monica POCORA, PhD – Vice-Rector of teaching affairs and after receiving the Diploma of Doctor Honoris Causa from Mrs. Senior Lecturer Ana Alina Ionescu DUMITRACHE, PhD - Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Iurie SEDLEŢCHI, PhD did not hide the fact that it was easier for him to grant as Rector of the University of European Studies the Doctor Honoris Causa titles rather than receiving, declaring as being honored and deeply touched by this event. “I embrace you all”, concluded Mr. Professor Iurie SEDLEŢCHI, PhD.
Mr. Professor Iurie SEDLEŢCHI, PhD does not return to the University of European Studies of Moldova with only this title but also with a valuable partnership for his students. It is about the protocol signed today by Mr. Cristi GODINAC, President of the Romanian Union of MediaSind Journalists, for the ReStart Project - for quality journalism, a project launched on May 3rd by SRJ MediaSind, on the World Press Freedom Day, being inspired by the concept Ethical Journalism Initiative promoted by the International Federation of Journalists. The project regards students from Romanian universities that want to get involved in promoting quality journalism. We should mention that the pilot - project was launched at the "Danubius" University with the National News Agency Agerpres.
Spokesperson - "Danubius" University of Galati
Ana Alina Ionescu DUMITRACHE