Within the curricula specialized internships have been included during the academic years III and IV, totaling 60 hours, during the second semester.
The faculty has its own specialized laboratories (I.T. labs, multimedia) with proper equipment for all disciplines that have scheduled such activities, with license for all necessary software, which enable the carrying out of the disciplines in the curriculum under optimal conditions .
The Library of the University respectively that of the faculty is equipped with lecture halls and its own book collection according to the disciplines provided in the curricula, on university study cycles, the needed resources for carrying out the activity being provided in the income and expenditure budgets. Furthermore, within the library, students receive free online access for all the national and international databases.
Possible career paths
Those who complete the B.A. program may carry out professions such as:
● attorney,
● judge,
● prosecutor,
● lawyer,
● notary,
● bailiff,
● Legal Adviser,
● official retriever,
● mediator,
● court clerk,
● insurance expert reviewer,
● consular agent,
● Customs Liaison Officer,
● authorized industrial property adviser,
● probation officer,
● Customs expert,
● cadastral registrar, etc.
The enrollment examination is done according to their own methodology that can be found in the Admissions section.
● Home
● Faculty of Law
● M.A.
● Criminal Sciences
● Proper use of concepts, theories, paradigms and methodologies in the legal field
● Applying the legal techniques and tools
● Applying the Romanian and European Legislation and other international legal instruments
● The Interpretation, correlation and comparison of legal institutions within the national law, the European law and the law of other states
● Applying the required knowledge in the collecting of data and information concerning a specific legal issue
● Using the effective legislation in the analysis of legal situations, in their proper classification from a legal point of view and their solution
● The accomplishment of professional tasks, effectively and responsibly, with regards towards the ethical rules specific to the field
● Applying the techniques of efficient team work (with elements of interdisciplinary) respecting the hierarchy
● The effective use of communication resources and of information sources and of professional training assistance, both in Romanian and in a language of international usage
Some of the subjects taught within this program are: Constitutional Law and Political Institutions, Civil Law of the People, Administrative Law, Legal I.T., Public International Law, Rhetoric, Criminology, Legal Psychology, Judicial System, Criminalistics, Commercial Law, Labour Law and Social Security, International Protection of Human Rights, Legal Clinic.