Faculty of Economics

Field of study: Accountancy

Form of study: full time studies (accredited)

Duration of study: 4 semesters (2 years)

Credits: 120

Number of places: 50

Agreement concluded with RCFA (Romania’s Chamber of Financial Auditors) in order to acquire the quality of professional accountant after graduating the M.A. programme. 

This programme aims to attain the following objectives:
- training of skilled specialists in accordance with current requirements of the labor market in Romania and EU countries, promoting a set of values based on solidarity, non-discrimination, fairness, scientific objectivity, creativity and dynamism;
- covering an important segment of financial and economic relations - with a well trained staff, on the basis of an efficient educational process, based on new technologies of  information and communication;
- attracting students in scientific research activities through the involvement in national and international scientific projects;
- providing a body of experts in economics, in accordance with national and international standards.

The general skills that M.A. students can acquire after obtaining the diploma are:

  • acquiring advanced knowledge in the field of audit and auditing

  • developing a higher level of understanding of the semantics of the audit and auditing field

  • a thorough knowledge of mechanisms, models and theories connected to the field of accountancy, audit and auditing

  • the extension, to a superior level, of the capacity to design and rationalize

  • acquiring some skills of intelligent use of advanced tools from the field of accountancy, audit and auditing

The specialty skills that M.A. students can acquire after obtaining the diploma are:

  • knowing the elements concerning the doctrine of the auditor profession, of those concerning professional ethics as well as how the profession is organized and carried out;

  • the ability to analyze and interpret specific problems of audit and auditing and to substantiate decisions based on accounting information;

  • the development, at an operational level, of a thorough vision on accounting in the context of enforcing the European directives and of international financial reporting standards;

  • developing skills in the consulting field for public and private audit activities;

  • the capacity to cognitively and professionally apply the concepts, theories and methods of investigation in the field of accountancy, audit and internal auditing.

The students will explore within this programme subjects such as: Financial Audit, Commercial and fiscal law, Accounting regulations in compliance with European directives, Financial audit standards, Methods for statistical sampling in audit, management and audit of European projects.

Within the curricula, specialized internships have been included during the Ist academic years for 3 weeks, totaling 90 hours, at the end of the second semester. The internship takes place in public and private commercial companies, institutions, etc. in accord with agreements concluded between them and the university, documents which state: the target of internship, the place and time-frame of the internship, the manner of organization and guidance, those responsible etc. The evaluation of this work is made by oral examination, based on the thematic of the discipline sheet.

The faculty has its own specialized laboratories (I.T. labs, multimedia) with proper equipment for all subjects that have scheduled such activities, with license for all necessary software, which enable the carrying out of the subjects in the curriculum under optimal conditions.

The Library of the University respectively that of the faculty is equipped with lecture halls and its own book collection according to the subjects provided in the curricula, on university study cycles, the needed resources for carrying out the activity being provided in the income and expenditure budgets. Furthermore, within the library, students receive free online access for all the national and international databases.

Possible career paths

The curriculum for Bachelor level studies, with three year duration, together with the M.A. programme Audit and public auditing, empowers our graduates to be able to follow the ensuing career paths:

  • Manager in the financial - economic field

  • Head economist

  • University Professor

  • Internal auditor

  • Researcher

  • Consultant

  • Trainee Financial Auditor RCFA

Admission is carried out according to our own methodology that can be found in the admision section.
