The economy of commerce, tourism and services taught
The mission of this program is training specialist in this field, according to the requirement of Romania's integration in the European Union, to the requirement of the amendments that intervene in the real economy, in the internal market and in a global framework. We provide all the necessary conditions, including through the capitalization of experience of higher education in the country and abroad, adapting the curricula and the disciplinary records to the requirements imposed by our membership in the European Union, in order for the graduates of B.A. and M.A. study programs to acquire and solidify the theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of Business administration thus obtain all important the knowledge, competencies and aptitudes.
The speciality skills that graduates will acquire after obtaining the B.A. degree are:
knowing, understanding and using concepts, theories, principles and fundamental methods of investigation and research, specific to tourism and trade;
learning and deepening of knowledge of strict specialty such as: management of tourism and services, strategy of sustainable development of services, agro-tourism, the logistics of trade and tourism enterprises, the organization and strategy development of tourism facilities;
knowing, understanding and applying the methods and techniques of evaluation and certification of the quality of products and services;
molding the capacity to develop opportunity studies in the context of the economic environment in order to substantiate public policies in the field of trade, tourism and services;
knowing, understanding and applying specific principles of quality management at the level of an organization/system and of an economic process;
substantiation, from a commercial and qualitative point of view, of the design decision, the rolling out of new products and services.
The subjects in the curriculum are covered by printed courses, the students also benefiting from the services of the highly competent staff of the University library, a library which contains a large number of titles in all areas of teaching within the university. Among these disciplines we include: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, I.T. Economics, International Marketing, Business Law, The economics of services, European Economy, Tourism Economy, Economy of trade, logistics and distribution of goods, European business environment.
Within the curricula specialized internships have been included during the academic years II for 3 weeks, totaling 90 hours, at the end of the second semester The internship takes place in 21 public and private commercial companies, institutions, etc. in accord with agreements concluded between them and the university, documents which state: the target of practice, the place and time-frame of practice, the manner of organization and guidance, those responsible etc. The evaluation of this work is done by oral examination, based on the theme of the discipline sheet.
The faculty has its own specialized laboratories (I.T. labs, multimedia) with proper equipment for all disciplines who have scheduled such activities, with license for all necessary software, which enable the carrying out of the disciplines in the curriculum under optimal conditions.
The Library of the University respectively that of the faculty is equipped with lecture halls and its own book collection according to the disciplines provided in the curricula, on university study cycles, the needed resources for carrying out the activity being provided in the income and expenditure budgets. Furthermore, within the library, students receive free online access for all the national and international databases.
Possible career paths
The curriculum for Bachelor level studies, with a three years duration, empowers our graduates to be able to follow the ensuing career paths:
Economist in public institutions, in national and international companies;
Commercial manager;
Commercial inspector;
Inspector for quality assurance in commerce, tourism and services;
Hotel manager;
Canteens, restaurants and pension managers;
Tourist agent, ticketing agent within tourist agencies;
Insurance agent within insurance agencies.
The enrollment examination is done according to their own methodology that can be found in the admission section.