Faculty of Communication and International Relations



Type of master: professional

Duration of studies: 2 years/4 semesters/120 credits

Type of educations: full-time (IF)

The masters’ program Security Management in International Relations addresses bachelor studies graduates that wish to specialize and build a professional career in the field of international relations and security studies.

ADMISSION 2018 - 2019

The mission of the professional masters’program is to train specialists able to operate with security policies and strategies in the current context of international relations, competent in managing the information flow in the current context of international relations.

The professional masters’ program specialized in Security Management in International Relations sets out to cover the training needs of the staff involved in major units involved in the implementation of security policies and strategies, in a way that addresses the issue of national and regional security in the South-European area in which Romania is positioned as an important security provider.

The teaching staff of this masters’ program will be practically trained and will have special expertise in fields such as political science, security studies, military sciences, international economic relations and international law.


-Learning main theoretical concepts regarding international and national security systems, law defense, person and community interest.

-Creating abilities and attitudes in the context of the dynamics affecting the national and international security environment of the main international actors.

-The theoretical and practical presentation of international and European institutions and of the legislative package concerning citizen and environment safety, person’s interest and international legislation.

-Developing some abilities of correlation and understanding of the socio-economic and cultural characteristics of territory security and operating with specialty concepts: national, regional, international security, economic security, organizational security etc.

-Forming and developing comprehension, analysis and implementation abilities for crisis management techniques, conflict management, negotiation and cooperation, with a focus on security perspectives.

Career opportunities, employment and/or improvement possibilities:

-Local, national and international public administration structures, institutions of Romanian Government.

-Specialized structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of National Defense, the National Information Service, the Ministry of Labor and National Justice and the Ministry of National Education.

-Military units and public order territorial authorities of the General Inspectorate of Romanian Police, Border Police, General Inspectorate of Emergency situations, General Inspectorate for Immigration, General Inspectorate of the Romanian Gendarmerie, the Romanian Information Service, the Local Police.

-Private national and international organizations and structures.

Potential occupations included in COR: security counselor (242113), external relations reviewer (241913), security manager (121306), order and public safety manager

Study disciplines: South-Eastern Europe policies and strategies; South-Eastern Europe in international relations; Impact of migration on international security; Operational dimensions in combating terrorism; Security basics in contemporary world; Security institutions and international organizations; Economic security management; Psychological dimension of security Intelligence; Negotiation and mediation techniques in solving international differences; Diplomatic discourse analysis; External and security policies management; Security management and crisis prevention; Management of strategic security Intelligence; Security culture in contemporary society; Cooperation in international relations in the Danube-Black Sea region; Conflict management in the 21st century.

The study plans include specialty traineeships, in the first and second years of study of 140 hours. These traineeships are performed in specialized institutions in accordance with the agreements concluded between them and the university.
