Admission at “Danubius” University of Galati for the academic year 2016-2017 is organized for Full time learning | Part time learning | Distance learning forms, according to the following normative acts:

-    Law of National Education no. 1/2011;

-    Law no. 288/2004 on the organization of academic studies, amended and supplemented;

-    Government Decision no. 404/2006 on the organization and development of master academic studies;

-    Government Decision no. 575 of 15th July 2015 on the approval of the list of domains and specializations / academic study programs and structure of higher education institutions for the academic year 2015-2016;

-    Government Decision no. 595 of 22nf July 2015 on the domains and accredited master academic study programs and maximum number of students to be schooled in the academic year 2015-2016, and the domains of PhD academic studies within higher education institutions;

-    Order no. 6000/2012 of the Minister of Education, Research, Youth and Sports on the approval of Methodology for receiving at studies and school foreign citizens of UE member countries in state and private accredited education in Romania, amended and supplemented by the Order no 3359MD/2013 of the Ministry of National Education;

-    Methodology of schooling of worldwide Romanians, in Romania’s education, approved by the Common Order of Ministry of Education and Scientific Research and Ministry of External Affairs (no. 3870/19/05.2015 and 921/08/06/2015);

-    Order no. 3107 of 27th of January 2016 for the approval of Frame-Methodology on the organization of admission in bachelor, master and PhD academic studies for the academic year 2016-2017.

Art. 2. - (1) For bachelor academic studies the admission is organized on bachelor domains/study programs, accredited or authorized to temporary function within “Danubius” University of Galati, according to the legal stipulations in force.

(2) For master academic studies, the admission is performed at the accredited study programs within “Danubius” University of Galati, according to the legal stipulations in force.

(3) The name of domains/programs and specializations, the annual schooling offer, according to the stipulations of art. 138 of the Law of National Education no. 1/2011, with further amendments and supplementations, the method and competition trials, special facilities or conditions, enrollment fees for the organization and development of admission and the present Regulation are made public by display at the University center and on the webpage.

(4) Admission for academic studies in held in Romanian language.

(5) For the academic studies held in Romanian language, at the written request of the candidate, the admission contest may be held in his native language, respecting the academic autonomy.

(6) For the academic studies organized in the native language/in a foreign language, the admission may be held in the maternal/foreign language of teaching the academic studies program.

(7) For the academic studies organized in the native language/in a foreign language, the admission will mandatorily contain an eliminatory linguistic skill trial, noted in pass/fail.

Art. 3. - (1) At the admission in bachelor academic studies there can participate the high school graduates with a baccalaureate degree or equivalent, and Romanian and foreign citizens of European Union member states, of states belonging to European Economic Space and Swiss Confederation with baccalaureate degrees obtained in the mentioned states, recognized by the higher education institutions, according to a list and methodologies approved by order of the minister of national education and scientific research.

(2) Graduates of studies abroad which cannot fit in the categories foreseen at par. (1) may participate at the admission for bachelor academic studies based on the baccalaureate degree recognized according to the methodologies elaborated by the specialized departments within the Ministry of National Education and Scientific.

(3) At the admission for master academic studies there can participate the graduates with bachelor degree or equivalent of full time academic studies organized according to the Law of Education no. 84/1995, republished, with further amendments and supplementations, graduates with bachelor degree of bachelor academic studies organized according to the Law no. 288/2004 on the organization of academic studies, with further amendments, and the graduates of studies abroad and recognized by the specialized departments within the Ministry of National Education and Research as being bachelor academic studies.

Art. 4. - (1) Citizens of European Union member states, of the states belonging to European Economic Space and Swiss Confederation may participate at the admission in all academic studies, under the same conditions foreseen by the law for Romanian citizens, including in the respect of tuition fees.

(2) Worldwide Romanians, citizens of member states may participate at the admission in all academic studies, according to the legal stipulations in force.

Art. 5. At the admission in all academic studies with Romanian teaching, the citizens of European Union and member states are obliged to prove the knowledge of Romanian language, according to the methodologies of schooling in Romanian, as appropriate.

Art. 6. Graduates of state higher education institutions with accredited or authorized specializations my participate at the admission contest for bachelor academic studies, having the possibility of recognizing the periods of studies, based on the system of transferable credits and enrolled in higher year, if there are vacancies in the specialization, according to the maximum number of students that can be schooled and according to the education plan of that study program.

Art. 7. A candidate may be admitted and enrolled as student as maximum two concomitant study programs, regardless the studies cycle and the education institution that provides them.

Art. 8. Participation of candidates at the admission contest is conditioned by their enrollment by filling in a standard application form. Each candidate will mention in the application form, in order of preferences, the options for which he applies.

5.5. Admission organization

Art. 9. - (1) For the organization and development of admission in the University, the Senate decides the Central Admission Commission which will insure the material and organizational conditions needed for the normal development of the admission, and the surveillance for complying with the Regulation’s stipulations. The Central Commission includes members of the Administration Board, the secretary of the central commission, other teaching staff and auxiliary and non-teaching staff directly involved in the admission contest. The structure of the central commission of admission and its attributions are established by Rector’s decision. The Rector is the president of the Central commission for admission.

(2) The organization and development of admission on bachelor domains/studies programs accredited or authorized to temporary function within “Danubius” University of Galati are insured by the Commission of admission in faculties, in this structure including the deans, heads of departments and other teaching staff and auxiliary and non-teaching staff directly involved in the admission contest. The admission commissions of faculties are subordinated to the Central Commission of admission at University level.

(3) For solving complaints, it is organized, at university level, the commission of solving complaints.

(4) The admission commissions of faculties are led by deans or their substitutes. The structure of the admission commissions and its attributions are established by the rector’s decision, at the proposal of the faculty council.

(5) The admission commissions on faculties are in charge of the presence of the contest file of documents established by the present Regulation.

Art. 10. The admission is organized in two sessions, as follows:

-    the first session during 04.07.2016-29.07.2016;

-    the second session during 05.09.2016-28.09.2016, for occupying the remaining vacancies.

5.6. Conditions and procedure of enrollment in admission contest

Art. 11. A candidate acquires the right for enrollment at the admission contest after paying the enrollment fees of the contest (or presenting the documents needed for proving the conditions for exemption from the enrollment fee) at the university cash desk.

Art. 12. The registration of candidates is performed based on the documents needed for admission, made public by display at “Danubius” University of Galati center and on webpage.

Art. 13. (1) For the registration at bachelor and master academic studies the candidates will fill in a standard application form where they will mention, under own signature, all the information requested in that form. Any error or mission in filling in the application form is under the responsibility of the candidate, supporting the consequences resulting from the errors or omissions made.

(2) At the admission of bachelor academic studies, the candidates will present a file including the following documents:

-     baccalaureate degree or equivalent, in original copy; the candidates who attend another state or private faculty will present the bachelor degree in legalized copy and certificate showing the quality of student and the fact that the original degree is at the education institution which released it; the candidates who promoted the baccalaureate exam in the sessions of the academic year 2015-2016 present at registration the baccalaureate degree or the certificate released by the education institution.

-     transcript of academic achievements in high school, in original or certified copy;

-     standard medical certificate;

-     three identity card photographs;

-     receipt of payment of registration fee to the contest or supporting documents for exemption from the registration fee;

-     birth certificate, legalized copy;

-     the statement through which the candidate admitted in the July session is obliged to bring the original baccalaureate degree up to 19th of August 2016, and for those declared admitted in the next session, in 3 working days from the display of the admission’s results.

-     marriage certificate (if applicable) in copy or other documents attesting name changes;

-     copy of the identity card;

-     documents proving that a candidates falls into the category of disabled persons, if appropriate.

(3) At the admission in master academic studies, the candidates will present a file which will include the following documents:

-          bachelor degree or equivalent, in original and legalized copy (for the candidates attending another academic studies program); the candidates which promoted the bachelor exam in the sessions of the academic year 2015-2016 will present at registration, instead of the bachelor degree, certificate released by the education institution where it is mentioned the general average, the averages obtained during the years of study, expiration date and the fact that the degree was not released and they will also fill in a statement where they are obliged to provide in one year the original bachelor degree;

-          Diploma Supplement / transcript, where appropriate, the original or certified copy;

-          standard medical certificate;

-          copy of the baccalaureate degree;

-          three identity card photographs;

-          certificate showing the quality of student (for students attending a second specialization, faculty);

-          receipt of payment of registration fee to the contest or supporting documents for exemption from the registration fee;

-          birth certificate, legalized copy;

-          marriage certificate (if applicable) in copy or other documents attesting name changes;

-          copy of the identity card;

-          documents proving that a candidates falls into the category of disabled persons, if appropriate.

Art. 14. (1) for the registration at the admission contest it is required a fee approved by the “Danubius” University of Galati Administration Board. The amount of the registration fee is made public through the university webpage.

(2) The payment of the registration fee is made for each contest, with possible exemptions established by the University Senate. For enrollment, the candidate must declare whether he enrolled at another faculty/ program of “Danubius” University or another higher education institution.

(3) There are exemptions from the registration fee for the candidates (up to 25 years old) orphans of both parents, coming from foster homes or placement, teaching staff in activity and children of the teaching staff in activity.

(4) There are exemptions from the registration fee for the children of retired or deceased teaching staff and the children of mom-teaching staff in “Danubius” University of Galati.

(5) In order to benefit from the exemption from the registration fee, the candidates must show a certificate showing the quality of teaching staff in activity of one of the parents. The definition of the quality of teaching staff is done based on the stipulations of the Law f National Education no. 1/2011.

(6) Exemptions from the fees are given for the registration at a single faculty (option).

Art. 15. The candidates must redraw their request, during the registration period or during the contest, without having the right to request to receive back the registration fee.

5.7. Development of the admission contest

Art. 16. For bachelor academic studies, the admission for Full time learning, Part time learning, Distance learning is organized only by the faculties accredited or authorized to temporary function for these education forms. The admission for the Part time learning, Distance learning is achieved based on the same criteria established for the admission at Full time learning.

Art. 17. - (1) The admission in the first year of the bachelor academic studies is developed based on the file provided by the candidate, in descendant order of the baccalaureate degrees.

(2) Admission at master academic studies is done based on file, specific to the domain of study, in the descendant order of the averages obtained by the candidates at bachelor exam and in the limit of the number of seats the contest is organized for.

(3) The admission for master education studies, distance learning is done based on the same criteria established for the admission at full time learning.

Art. 18. Classification order of candidates at the admission contest is done based on two criteria:

-    admission average, established according to the stipulation of this Regulation;

-    candidates’ options, in the order that these were mentioned in the registration form.

Art. 19. The candidate who failed the first option due to the insufficient average will compete for the second option (the second option becomes the first), and if he fails it too, he will compete for the third (the third becomes the first) and so on. In all cases, on the admission lists, the candidates are hierarchized strictly in descendant order of admission averages.

Art. 20. -(1) Minimum general average of admission at bachelor academic studies cannot be lower than 5 (five).

(2) Minimum general average of admission at master academic studies cannot be lower than 6 (six).

Art. 21. (1) At the admission in bachelor academic studies, if the planned number of seats is overpassed by the existence, on the last places, of several candidates with the same general average, the tiebreak is done by taking into consideration the grade obtained by the candidates at the written exam in Romanian language and literature from the baccalaureate exam.

(2) At admission in master academic studies, if the planned number of seats is overpassed by the existence, on the last places, of several candidates with the same general average, the tiebreak is done by taking into consideration the general average of the years of study.

Art. 22. (1) Establishing and communication of results of the admission is performed per study programs and on separate lists, according to the education form (Full time learning | Part time learning | Distance learning) where the candidates opted.

(2) The results of the admission are officially communicated by displaying the lists at the University center and on University’s webpage.

(3) Possible complaints are communicated in maximum 48 hours, starting with the date and time of the display of the results of the admission session. The complaints can be done only for calculation errors of the admission averages or registration of averages of baccalaureate/bachelor. The decision of the complaints commission is communicated in maximum 2 days after the closure of the deadline of submission and it is definitive.

Art. 23. “Danubius” University of Galati is obliged to return, after displaying the final results, in maximum 48 hours from the submission of the request and unconditionally without fees, the files of the rejected candidates or those who renounce at the seat obtained by admission.

Art. 24. (1) The candidates declared admitted also after the first session have the obligation that, until 19th of August 2016, to pay 30% of the tuition fee and to sign the tuition contract in order to be enrolled as students at the faculty they were admitted in.

(2) The admitted candidates who do not fulfill these conditions lose their quality of admitted, and the vacancies are opened for competition in the following session.

(3) The candidates admitted in September 2016 session in bachelor academic studies have the obligation for in three days from the display of the results to submit de original or legalized copy of the baccalaureate degree.

(4) The candidates admitted at bachelor and master academic studies in September 2016 session have to obligation to pay 30% of the tuition fee up to 1st of October 2016 and to sign the tuition contract in order to be enrolled as students at the faculty/study program they were admitted to.

Art. 25. (1) Registration of students declared admitted after the admission contest is made by higher education institution rector’s decision. After the approval of the registration, the students are registered in the Academic Record (UMR) with a unique number valid for the entire schooling period at the specialization/specializations/program/programs of study they were admitted to.

(2) Higher education institutions have the obligation to conclude the tuition contracts with the registered students.

5.10. Final provisions

Art. 27. The seats opened for competition remained vacant after admission are managed at the university level according to legal stipulations in force.

Art. 28. The present Regulation was approved in the meetings of the Senate of “Danubis” University of Galati on 27.03.2015, 24.07.2015, 18.02.2016.


Chief Secretary: Anca Alexandra Dodan
Tel: +40.372.361.207


Chief Secretary: Viorica - Veronica Serea
Tel: +40.372.361.217


Chief Secretary: Daniela Tănase
Tel: +40.372.361.227

Rector's Office

Senior Assistant to the Rector:
Mihai Ana-Iuliana
Information for Students: +40.372.361.251
Inter-Institutional Relations: +40.372.361.102
Fax: +40.372.361.290