


  • Proper use of concepts, theories, paradigms and methodologies in the legal field
  • Application of techniques and tools specific to legal field
  • Application of Romanian legislation, European legislation and other international legal tools
  • Interpretation, correlation and comparison of judicial institutions of national law, European law and law of other states
  • Application of knowledge needed in data collection and information relating to a specific legal issue
  • Use of legislation in force in analyzing legal situations, in their legally correct classification and in their resolution  


  • Realization of professional tasks effectively and responsibly, respecting the deontological rules specific to the field     
  • Application of techniques for effective work in a team (with elements of interdisciplinarity) respecting hierarchical bearings     
  • Efficient use of resources of communication and sources of information and assisted training, both in Romanian and in a language of international communication Some of the studied subjects in this program are: Constitutional Law and Political Institutions, Civil Law. People, Administrative Law, Legal Informatics, Public International Law, Rhetoric, Criminology, Legal Psychology, Judicial System, Forensic, Commercial Law, Labor and Social Security, International Human Rights Protection, Judicial Clinic.

The curricula included specialized internships during years of studies III and IV, totaling 60 hours during the semester II.

The faculty has its own specialized laboratories (informatics, multimedia laboratories) with adequate equipment for all disciplines which have provided such activities, with license for all necessary software and allow the development of hours of curriculum subjects under optimal conditions.

University Library respectively the faculty, is equipped with reading rooms and its own book stock according to the disciplines provided in the curricula on university courses and necessary resources for activity development are provided in budgets of revenues and expenditures. Also in the library students benefit from online access free of charge to databases and scientific journals in the country and abroad.


Those who complete the undergraduate program may carry professions as:

  • Lawyer
  • Judge
  • prosecutor
  • lawyer
  • notary
  • bailiff
  • Legal Adviser
  • liquidator
  • mediator
  • Registrar
  • specialty insurance reviewer
  • consular agent
  • Customs Liaison Officer
  • authorized industrial property adviser
  • probation officer
  • customs expert
  • land register etc

Business Management In Trade And Tourism

This program guarantees a high number of specialists in the field of Business Administration, in the entrepreneurial spirit of HR, given the fact that any developing business must offer optimal competitive growth especially in the sphere of trade and tourism.

Thus, this program aims at forming highly qualified specialists capable of offering the best solutions based on the qualitative-quantitative analysis of economic-financial phenomena that appear in the business field.

The professional skills gained after graduating this program are:

  • Accomplishing a specific activity within a trade, tourism or service organization properly and in real time
  • Participating relevantly and efficiently to the realization of a phase within an activity chain of marketing or service provision
  • Developing a basic work of assistance to a company in the field of trade, tourism or service
  • Managing and allocating material and financial resources
  • Developing a basic study of the necessary material or financial resources for a specific project in the field of trade, tourism or service
  • Ensuring the work quality in trade, tourism and service
  • Assisting in HR management

Some of the subjects studied within this program are: Business management in trade and tourism, International markets, Business and entrepreneurship in trade and tourism, Tourism and marketing transactions, The mathematic shaping of trade and tourism management.

The study curriculum includes stages of specializing practice during the first year of study, 3 weeks, and summing 90 hours at the end of the second semester.

Possible carrier paths:

  • Tourist agency or office manager;
  • Tourist agency director;
  • Tourism manager
  • Organizer of touristic activities;
  • Small company leader;
  • Tourist agent tour operator;
  • Cruise agent;
  • Organizer of service provision;
  • Economist

Admission is based on the documents sent in by the candidates, taking into account the undergraduate grade average.

Financial Management of Affairs in the European Space

This master’s program aims at the following objectives:

  • To insure a proper training from a theoretical and practical point of view in order to give foundation to the decisions specific to the activity of financially managing an affair in the European space
  • To deepen the specialized knowledge obtained through a Bachelor’s degree and to develop practical skills of processing financial information specific to the management of affairs in EU

The expert competences that master students may obtain after gaining their master’s degree are:

  • Knowledge of the elements regarding the professional doctrine and ethics, as well as the way in which the profession is organized and pursued;
  • Synthetizing, deepening and using concepts from the financial field, approaching interdisciplinary the economical operations in order to elaborate and give foundation to the financial decisions
  • The capacity to analyse and interpret some problems that are specific to the financial management of affairs and of giving foundation to decisions based on financial-economic information;
  • Developing, at an operational level, a profound vision over the financial management of affairs within the European space, in the context of applying European directives and financial reports of international standards;

Studied disciplines:Research methodology, Expertise and ethics in affair management, Financial-banking management in the market economy, Risk management in affairs, Financial-accounting standards and European directives, European economic forecasts, Electronic affairs, Systems of European financing.

The study curriculum includes stages of specializing practice during the first year of study, 3 weeks, and summing 90 hours at the end of the second semester.

Possible carrier paths:

  • Manager in the financial-economic field,
  • Economic director,
  • University professor,
  • Expert accountant,
  • Financial consultant,
  • Financial analyst,
  • Inspector of managing European funds,
  • Expert in managing European funds,
  • Consultant/expert regional/national authority of managing European funds

Admission is based on the documents sent in by the candidates, taking into account the undergraduate grade average.

Public and Private Financial Management

This study program aims at forming specialists capable of identifying the opportunities of the economical moment, the regional developing potential and of participating to the decision-making process from a financial point of view on a public and private level.

Master students may gain the following specialized skills after obtaining their degree:

  • Knowledge of the elements regarding the professional doctrine and ethics, as well as of the way in which the profession is organized and pursued;
  • The synthesis, the deepening and the use of concepts from the financial field, the interdisciplinary approach of economical procedures in order to elaborate and substantiate financial decisions
  • The capacity to analyse and interpret problems that are specific to financial management and the decision-making based on financial-economic information;
  • The development, at an operational level, of a deep understanding of financial management in the context of applying European directives and international standards of financial report;
  • Developing skills in the consultancy field of public and private audit activities;
  • The capacity to cognitively and professionally apply concepts, theories and investigation methods in the financial field.

Studied subjects:Research methodology, Comparative financial-accounting systems, Public and private portfolio management, Public administration strategic management, European public policies, International finances, Financial and accounting expertise, Company evaluation and diagnosis, Financial markets and stock transactions, Professional doctrine and ethics.

The study curriculum includes stages of specializing practice during the first year of study, 3 weeks, and summing 90 hours at the end of the second semester.

Possible carrier paths:

  • Manager in the financial-economic field,
  • Economy director,
  • Expert accountant,
  • Financial consultant,
  • Financial analyst,
  • Chief-inspector in public administration,
  • Inspector specialized in public administration,
  • Public administration consultant,
  • General director in public institutions,
  • Expert in public administration

Admission is based on the documents sent in by the candidates, taking into account the undergraduate grade average.

Business and International Economy

This program aims at offering students the perfect environment to develop high level skills for access and mobility inside the frame of international study, to gain very good competences in communicating in at least two international languages, to get familiar with the international business environment and the European Union’s institutions and policies, professional compatibility for engaging in a big range of activities, from private internal affairs that organize foreign trading activities, to multinational companies and international institutions.

Study subjects:Current trends in international relations, International economic relations, Public relations in the international environment, World economy, Global changes, Strategies of business trading, Economical media dimensions, Business ethics in international relations.

The study curriculum includes stages of specializing practice during the first year of study, 3 weeks, and summing 90 hours at the end of the second semester.

Possible carrier paths

The graduates of this program may develop a professional carrier in a variety of institutions and organizations such as:

  • Companies and institutions of foreign trade;
  • Companies that run import-export transactions;
  • Professional organizations with international cooperation programs;
  • Representatives and branches of foreign companies;
  • International relations departments of banks;
  • Insurance companies and international financial institutions;
  • European Union’s institutions and bodies;
  • World economy and international market institutions and research centres;
  • Agencies specialized in the research of international markets and promotion services on the international markets;
  • Governmental agencies for managing the international financing;
  • Organizing and running international auctions and transactions on stock;
  • Transport companies and international expeditions.

Admissionis based on the documents sent in by the candidates, taking into account the undergraduate grade average.

Criminal Science

The mission of this program is didactic (providing education) and of scientific research, implying, on the one hand, forwarding specialized knowledge in the field of criminal science, and on the other, training the students in the research activity.

This program’s specific aims are:

  • Presenting the new criminal Code and the new Code of criminal procedure;
  • Presenting the role of the Constitutional Court in judging the exceptions of unconstitutionality in criminal matters, as well as the role of the European Court of Human Rights in these matters;
  • Analysing doctrine opinions tied to the recent legislative changes in the field;
  • Presenting legal regulations in the field of criminal science, with special reference to aspects regarding corruption, organized crime, money laundering, drug abuse, tax evasion, crimes in the field of informatics, etc.;
  • The comparative analysis of the main criminal and criminal procedure institutions that can be found in the regulations of the European countries;
  • The analysis of legal practices in the sphere of criminal law and criminal procedure law, in accordance with the existing solutions in this field in the European Union countries;
  • The capitalization of the graduate learning experience in and outside the country.

Some of the subjects studied within this program are:

  1. In depth special part Criminal law
  2. Forensics: modern investigation procedures and techniques
  3. European jurisdictional system of protecting the human rights
  4. Executive criminal law
  5. Criminal procedure law institutions
  6. Institutions involved in fighting international crimes
  7. Business criminal law
  8. Individualising criminal law sanctions

Students graduating this master’s degree have the following carrier options:

  • Expert in preventing and fighting corruption,
  • Forensics expert,
  • Researcher in the field of legal science,
  • Research assistant in the field of legal science,
  • Customs liaison,
  • Judge,
  • Prosecutor,
  • Lawyer.

Admission is based on the documents sent in by the candidates, taking into account the undergraduate grade average.

Law and European Public Administration

The mission of the “Danubius” University from Galați to offer education and research of high quality standard in a national and European context is realized also through the study program Law and European Public Administration.

The specific objectives of this study program targets:

  • Preparing specialists in the field of European law, especially the law of European public administration, taking into consideration the dimension of public relations, which is essential today for the local collectives;
  • Realizing the professionalized perspective for students who wish to pursue a carrier in public administration, but also in other services and professions that require such training;
  • Preparing future PhD students who wish to pursue a carrier in the university or to become researchers (in research organizations, study directions and services in governments and other institutions);
  • Forming a body of professional public clerks, familiarized with the requirements and procedures of European institutions;
  • Developing the capacity of public clerks from public institutions to analyse and synthesise ;
  • Insuring master’s students an adequate level of training regarding the process of European integration and the necessary efforts of the Romanian public administration in order to reach the European standards in the field

Some of the subjects studied are:

  1. European Union international law
  2. European public function
  3. European social law
  4. European environmental law
  5. European administrative law
  6. Project management
  7. Research methods and techniques. Study casa
  8. European financial institutions
  9. Child protection in the European law

Possible carrier paths:

  • Public clerk,
  • Specialist in public administration,
  • Public institutions consultant,
  • European public official,
  • Public administration inspector,
  • Consultant/expert in manpower and unemployment,
  • Expert in accessing structural funds and in European cohesion,
  • Consultant in European affairs, domestic auditor in the public sector,
  • Assessor of professional competences.

Admission is based on the documents sent in by the candidates, taking into account the undergraduate grade average.

European Union Law

This study program has the mission to unify the juridical training gained through the undergraduate studies with the complementary training in the law field, offering master students a unique opportunity to study European law within an interdisciplinary context of law, politics and philosophy through deepening the principles, policies and rules that form the basis of a juridical system that is still under development.

The specific objectives of this study program aim:

  • Forming and improving the human resources, highly qualified in the field of law, in correlation with Romania’s integration requirements to the EU, through increasing the quality of teaching, developing the knowledge, deepening, adapting, developing and improving of the knowledge gained during the undergraduate studies;
  • Forming qualified human resources in the field of European law and European politics;
  • Initiation in the practices of running international commercial contracts through deepening the European law knowledge
  • Recognizing the European quality of products and services in order to integrate in the EU;
  • Knowing the stage of development and harmonization of the national standards system, in conformity with the requirements of the European and international standardization bodies;
  • Initiating students in the raising of European financial resources and the promotion of participating in the exchange of international values. Among the subjects studied within this program we can name: The recognition and execution of decisions inside the European Union’s Legal Space, The legal procedure of the EU, The employment contract in the compared law, European legal cooperation in civil procedural matters.

Those who graduate this master’s program may obtain a carrier such as:

  • Foreign relations reviewer,
  • Public European clerk,
  • Reviewer/consultant legal harmonization,
  • Mediator,
  • Expert in European public administration,
  • European public administration consultant,
  • Public procurement expert, European affairs consultant,
  • Diplomatic consultant

Admission is based on the documents sent in by the candidates, taking into account the undergraduate grade average.


Chief Secretary: Anca Alexandra Dodan
Tel: +40.372.361.207


Chief Secretary: Viorica - Veronica Serea
Tel: +40.372.361.217


Chief Secretary: Daniela Tănase
Tel: +40.372.361.227

Rector's Office

Senior Assistant to the Rector:
Mihai Ana-Iuliana
Information for Students: +40.372.361.251
Inter-Institutional Relations: +40.372.361.102
Fax: +40.372.361.290