Business Management In Trade And Tourism
This program guarantees a high number of specialists in the field of Business Administration, in the entrepreneurial spirit of HR, given the fact that any developing business must offer optimal competitive growth especially in the sphere of trade and tourism.
Thus, this program aims at forming highly qualified specialists capable of offering the best solutions based on the qualitative-quantitative analysis of economic-financial phenomena that appear in the business field.
The professional skills gained after graduating this program are:
- Accomplishing a specific activity within a trade, tourism or service organization properly and in real time
- Participating relevantly and efficiently to the realization of a phase within an activity chain of marketing or service provision
- Developing a basic work of assistance to a company in the field of trade, tourism or service
- Managing and allocating material and financial resources
- Developing a basic study of the necessary material or financial resources for a specific project in the field of trade, tourism or service
- Ensuring the work quality in trade, tourism and service
- Assisting in HR management
Some of the subjects studied within this program are: Business management in trade and tourism, International markets, Business and entrepreneurship in trade and tourism, Tourism and marketing transactions, The mathematic shaping of trade and tourism management.
The study curriculum includes stages of specializing practice during the first year of study, 3 weeks, and summing 90 hours at the end of the second semester.
Possible carrier paths:
- Tourist agency or office manager;
- Tourist agency director;
- Tourism manager
- Organizer of touristic activities;
- Small company leader;
- Tourist agent tour operator;
- Cruise agent;
- Organizer of service provision;
- Economist
Admission is based on the documents sent in by the candidates, taking into account the undergraduate grade average.