Facultatea de Stiinte Economice


  • Field: Business Administration
  • Form of study: Full time
  • Duration: 4 semesters ( 2 years)
  • ECTS credits: 120
  • Number of seats:  25 IF
  • Language of instruction/ examination: English

ADMITERE 2019 - 2020

The Program offers intellectually challenging courses with a diversity of learning experiences that aim to provide you with the skills and knowledge to operate competently within the maritime industry.
The Program is addressed especially to:
• Individuals wishing to work in senior management of companies in Maritime Transport and International Trade;
• Specialists and future experts in public administration departments related to shipping and international trade;
• Entrepreneurs interested of shipping industry

The specialized competences that master students can acquire after obtaining the master's degree in the specialization are:

Professional Competences:

- Profound knowiedge in the specialized field and within it the theoretica, methodoiogical and practical devebpments specific to International trade and finance from the shipping field;

-Pianning, organization, coordination and control in International trade and finance;

-The integrated use of the conceptual and methodological apparatus, in incomplete defined stuation, in order to solve new theoretical and practical issues;

-The nuanced and meaningful use of criteria and assessment methods to formulate value judgments and to substantiate constructive decisions in international trade and finance from the shipping field;

- Development of professionaland/or research projects, innovatively using a broad range of quantitative and qualitative methods in international trade and finance from the shipping field.

Transversal Competences:

-Performing some professional complex tasks, under conditions of autonomy and professional independence in international trade and finance from the shipping field;

-Assuming management roles / functions of professional groups or of institutions regarding international trade and finance from the shipping field;

-Seif-control in the learning process, the diagnosis of training needs, the reflective analysis of their professional activities.

The program of study for each student is selected from a carefully focused range of options, so that a course can be tailored to his/her previous or current work, or may be designed to widen his/her range of expertise.

The fields of academic interests are:
Commercial exploitation of ships, Techniques of foreign trade, International Economics and Trade, Analysis and policy of shipping markets, Shipping financing. Investment strategies in shipping, Marine insurance. P&I Clubs
The curricula included internships in the first year of study totaling 84 hours during the second semester.

Career Opportunities
The students will specialize in:
• the analysis of shipping markets and cycles,
• chartering and ship-broking practices,
• international trade processes,
• the selection of alternative shipping finance and investment methods as well as
• the development, implementation and appraisal of shipping related risk management strategies.

The students will also gain exposure to the structure and operations of financial markets and institutions, securities trading, corporate transactions, valuation and investment strategies.
