Researcher profile - Associate Professor Catalin Angelo Ioan PhD
Associate Professor Catalin Angelo Ioan, PhD
“Danubius” University of Galati, Romania
Faculty of Economic Sciences
Tel: +40742126626
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The Associate Professor Catalin Ioan Angelo, PhD, is a graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Bucharest, Romania. In 2000 he obtained his PhD in mathematics from Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, having as coordinator Professor Aurel Bejancu, PhD. The PhD thesis entitled “Contributions to the foliations on semi-Riemannian geometry” analyzed a topic of great importance in the world of mathematics unlocked by Aurel Bejancu and Krishan Duggal. If until the 90s most of the articles dealt with the Riemannian aspects of the differential geometry, the Romanian school being in one of the first places, starting from that period, the movement was achieved more towards the semi-Riemannian geometry (but not only) offering spectacular applications within the research of general relativity theory. Professor Ioan’s thesis focused on defining new concepts and then applying the results of the two personalities in the semi-Riemannian foliations theory. A part of it was published in the Tensor NS, a prestigious Japanese journal, from which we mention: Degenerate submanifolds of Semi-Riemannian manifolds”, “Totally Umbilical Lightlike Submanifolds”, “Totally geodesic foliations on Semi-Riemannian manifolds” or “Minimal foliations on semi-Riemannian manifolds, and in the two major Romanian journals: Bulletin Mathematique de la Societe des Sciences Mathematiques de Roumanie – the article “Totally Umbilical Lightlike Submanifolds” or Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques pures et appliquees – the article “Totally geodesic foliations and minimal foliations of the Semi-Riemannian manifolds”. Since 2000 the research of professor Ioan was directed towards the applications of mathematics in economics. The teaching concerns are mainly oriented in the area of mathematical modeling of the economic and social phenomena and processes.
Research Areas
The research work of Professor Catalin Angelo Ioan materializes, so far, in 77 articles indexed in international databases, one of them A generalization of a class of production functions” published in a publication of Warwick University in Coventry, United Kingdom and introducing a new production function - the classic Cobb-Douglas generalization, CES, Lu-Fletcher, Liu-Hildebrand, VES or that of Kadiyala. (
He has also published a number of 53 articles in national journals and presented 13 scientific papers at various symposia. Some of his articles were cited and continued in major journals such as General Relativity and Gravitation – Springer Verlag, Journal of Geometry and Physics – Elsevier, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Applied Mathematics Letters, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, Central European Journal of Operations Research, Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics.
Professor Ioan wrote a number of 61 books on various subjects extending from general mathematics, analytical and differential geometry, mathematic analysis, differential equations, operational research, probability theory, variational calculus, complex analysis, probability theory in microeconomics or applications of mathematics in economics. Currently, in addition to his research in the fascinating domain of mathematical applications in various economic sectors (particularly microeconomics and macroeconomics), he performs pioneering work creating and developing a number of sites (, aiming at preparing students for free for their baccalaureate exams or students for the exams of mathematics by developing a number of training videos (over 1400 videos with over 27,000 views at the moment).