Associate Professor Cristinel Munteanu, PhD
“Danubius” University of Galati, Romania Faculty of Communication and International Relations Contact Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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• Cristinel Munteanu is a graduate of the Faculty of Letters, History and Theology within the “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Romania (specialization: Romanian-English, in 2001; master’s degree in Theory and Practice of Text, in 2003).
• In 2006 he obtained the title of PhD in philology (magna cum laude) at the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, guided by Professor Stelian Dumistrăcel, with the thesis “Phraseological Synonymy in the Romanian Language from the Integral Linguistics Point of View” (published in 2007; frequently cited in the specialized studies). It refers to the first important application (in the Romanian science) of Coseriu’s linguistic theory to the lexico-phraseological field and of semantic relations, representing “a topic of profound understanding of the Magister [Coseriu]’s coherent vision and of its involvement with a view to analyzing, in vivo, the variation of expression”, which proves, at the same time, his skills of “a restless, gifted and productive researcher” (S. Dumistrăcel).
• In 2017 (at the same university of Iasi), under the guidance of Professor Ştefan Afloroaei (corresponding member of the Romanian Academy), Cr. Munteanu defended his second PhD thesis, receiving the title of PhD in philosophy (summa cum laude). The chosen subject was “John Dewey and the Problem of Meaning. From the Theory of Inquiry to the Premises of an Integral Hermeneutics”, investigating a series of aspects connected to logic, theories of interpretation and philosophy of language.
• Cr.M. has been working in the field of higher education for over 10 years, teaching mainly subjects from the sphere of communication/language sciences and journalism (Fundamentals of Communication, Introduction to Mass-media, Semiotics, Rhetoric, Journalistic Genres, Writing Techniques, Principles of Correct Usage, etc.).
Research Areas
• Author of many studies and articles on the etymology, dynamics and stylistics of phraseologisms, coordinator, editor and co-author of a book devoted to set phrases and famous formulae (Discursul repetat între alteritate şi creativitate [“Repeated Discourse between Alterity and Creativity”], 2008), Cristinel Munteanu has become an authority thanks to his book Frazeologie românească. Formare şi funcţionare [“Romanian Phraseology. Its Forming and Functioning”] (2013), which led to him being selected as an author of chapter “Phraséologie du roumain” in the volume „Le Roumain” of the series “Manuals of Romance Linguistics”(soon to be published at the famous publishing house De Gruyter).
• At the same time, his constant preoccupation (of over 15 years) for the linguistic theory of the scholar Eugenio Coseriu (materialised, among others, in his books Lingvistica integrală coşeriană. Teorie, aplicaţii şi Interviuri [“The Coserian Integral Linguistics. Theory, Applications and Interviews”] (2012) and Traditions and Innovations in Language and Linguistics. A Coserian Perspective, 2017) led to him being invited (as keynote speaker) at various international and national congresses, symposia and conferences. So far, Cr. Munteanu has participated in over 40 scientific events (from congresses to colloquiums), most of them international.
• He has published over 150 specialized articles, studies and reviews in Romanian research volumes and journals (“Meridian critic”, “Anadiss”, “Communication interculturelle et littérature”, “Limba română”, “Journal of Danubian Studies and Research”, etc.), as well as international ones (“Energeia”, “Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences”, “Romanistisches Jahrbuch”, etc.). Some of his articles have already been published in ISI journals, such as “Revue roumaine de linguistique”, “Philologica Jassyensia” and “Zeitschrift für romanisch Philologie”.
• Other (acknowledged) contributions of Cr.M. refer to the field of anthroponomy (studies on the names of literary characters), rhetoric, functional stylistics and philosophy of language (with a special emphasis on Plato, Aristotle, Demetrios, Pseudo-Hermogenes et alii), semiotics (he restored and redefined the term “aberrant decoding”, launched by Umberto Eco), journalism (he has original approaches on either the stylistic virtues of journalistic text or the atypical headlines), text linguistics, hermeneutics, etc.
• What is more, Cr.M.’s activity as an editor is also worth mentioning. In this respect, Cr.M. edited critically (in 2008), in a bilingual version (in collaboration with the classical philologist Cr. Bejan), the first PhD thesis in the world dedicated to journalism: Tobias Peucer, De relationibus novellis/Despre relatările jurnalistice [“On News Reporting”, Leipzig, 1690] – a reference text for the researchers interested in the history and theory of this domain. In 2013 he edited, from the impressive work of B.P. Hasdeu, a volume entitled Studii de ştiinţa limbii [“Studies in Language Sciences”], emphasizing some very modern ideas of the Romanian scholar (such as the ones about “noematology”). In 2016 he published, as a translator and editor, the book Orientări în semantica structurală [orig. version: E. Coseriu, H. Geckeler, Trends in Structural Semantics, 1981]. The same purpose, that of restoring the great thinkers’ conceptions, was aimed at when he translated (from English) some philosophical texts signed by John Dewey and R.G. Collingwood (published by Cr.M. between 2015 and 2016).