
“Danubius” University, 25th Anniversary Celebrated with Partners from all over the World!

Last week (May 15-21), Danubius University of Galati celebrated its 25th anniversary with its partners from the United States of America, Russia, China, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, India, Israel, Germany, organizing, in this context of celebration higher education, under the AUAP (Association of Asia-Pacific Universities), the 4th edition of the Global Leadership Program (AUAP), the 15th AUAP Learning and Sharing Forum Enhancing an Effective Student Mobility Programme for Asia-Pacific and European Universities Investment Opportunities for Europe and the 12th edition of the International Scientific Conference: European Integration: Realities and Perspectives (EIRP). The official opening of this triple international scientific…

“Danubius” University: 25 Years of Existence, Extensive International Scientific Anniversary with Extraordinary Participation of Partners from Around the World

The 25th anniversary of Danubius University is the reason to celebrate in a grandiose, completely new, international scientific triple-context, with dozens of academic and international relations personalities from all over the world (United States of America, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, Israel, Germany): 4th AUAP (Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific) of the Global Leadership Program, The 15th AUAP LEARNING AND SHARING FORUM, Enhancing an Effective Student Mobility Programme for Asia-Pacific and European Universities, Investment Opportunities for Europe (19-21 May) and the 12th edition of the International Scientific Conference: European Integration: Realities and Perspectives (EIRP…

Professor Stefan C. Schaltegger, PhD, Doctor Honoris Causa of the “Danubius” University

Friday, March 10, the Danubius academic community has a new member: Professor Stephen C. Schaltegger, PhD. Leading figure of the international scientific world, Mr. Professor has revolutionized through valuable scientific contributions, future accounting, his studies become standard in the international scientific research.Mr. Stefan C. Schaltegger, PhD (Sustainability Management) is Professor at Leuphana University in Lüneburg (Germany) and at the University of Basel (Switzerland) (Business Administration), leader of the Research Center for Sustainable Management and MBA program coordinator in the same domain. Also, Professor Stefan C. Schaltegger, PhD is visiting professor and researcher at numerous universities worldwide and speaker at prestigious…


Danubius University invite you to join the upcoming EXTRAORDINARY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE hosted by Danubius University of Galati, Romania: 2017 EIRP International Conference! It is a one-day conference that will bring together a diverse range of participants from universities, business sector, and public authorities. Around 100 participants from all over Europe, but also from the U.S.A., China, Thailand, The Philippines will jointly develop ideas and form creative collaborations. We hope you will be able to join us as a participant and to spread the word among your colleagues and other professional contacts. The purpose of the Annual International Conference on European…


Dragi studenți,   Liga Studenților Danubius vă invită să vă implicați în alegerile reprezentanților dumneavoastră în structurile de conducere ale Universității Danubius, alegeri care se vor desfășura în luna ianuarie a anului 2017. Principalele funcţii de reprezentare ale studenţilor în cadrul Universităţii sunt: studenţi reprezentanţi în Consiliul Facultăţii; studenţi reprezentanţi în Senatul Universităţii; membri în comisiile facultăţii/Universităţii.  Studenţii consilieri vor asigura reprezentarea celor 2 cicluri academice, respectiv licenţă şi master, cursuri cu frecvenţă, frecvenţă redusă şi ID.  Durata mandatului este de 1 an, cu posibilitatea reînnoirii de cel mult două ori în acelaşi ciclu. Comisia electorală pentru alegerea reprezentanţilor în…

Students’ Employability and Entrepreneurship. Priorities that Reunited the Universities in South Korea

The 12th Edition of the General Conference of Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) Promoting the student employability and entrepreneurship are issues of major interest for the global academia. The topics have brought together leaders of dozens of universities from eighteen states at the 12th - edition of the General Conference of the Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) with the theme: The role of universities in promoting employability of students and entrepreneurship, the event that took place on 7-9 November in South Korea, Daegu Health College. The Rector of "Danubius" University, Associate Professor…
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