Erasmus students at Danubius University

Center of Intercultural Programs


Head of the Center of Intercultural Cooperation
Department of International Relations
Associate Professor Liviu Marinescu, PhD
Tel: +40.733.180.144; +40.727.849.068
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Study&Travel@RO 2012 Special program of honors courses organized for Romanian and American students developed in academic partnership with Arcadia University, Philadelphia

Preparation: 17.11.11- 01.03.2012

Implementation: 10.03.12-16.03.2012

Between 17.11.2011-16.03.2012, the Study and Travel Program @ RO2012 was prepared and conducted which, in addition to its implicit role, that is the coordination and carrying out honors course activities in Romania, courses of Arcadia University, Philadelphia, was meant to quantify, size and justify the existence of a center governed by our University. The success of this action opened the door to a whole range of activities, focused on resizing the image of our University as an international cultural center in close cooperation with international activity, generated within the International Cooperation Centre.

Study&Travel@RO 2013 Special program of honors courses organized for Romanian and American students developed in academic partnership with Arcadia University, Philadelphia, U.S.A.

Preparation: 25.10.2012- 01.03.2013

Implementation: 09.03.2013-15.03.2013

Study&Travel@RO 2014 Honors courses organized for Romanian and American students developed in academic partnership with Arcadia University, Philadelphia, U.S.A.- the third edition

Preparation: 01.09.2013- 01.03.2014

Main event: 09.03.2014-15.03.2014

Nihongo 2012 - Japanese Language Learning Program of Japanese language courses organized in cooperation with The Centre of Japanese Studies Association - Shogun of Iasi

Preparation: 17.11.2011 – 01.03.2012

Implementation: 24.03.2012 – 25.06.2012

5. KINO + Cinema Festival -The Festival of Russian Film at Danubius - organized in collaboration with The Community of Lipoveni Russians in Romania

Preparation: 12.07.2012 – 08.09.2012

Implementation: 10.09.2012 -16.09.2012

6. Collaboration and Cooperation Agreement in order to prepare instructors for training programmes and Cambridge examination signed by the British Council Romania in collaboration with the International Cooperation Centre - 28/11/2012

7. Participation in the "Educational fair" EDUCATION BEYOND BORDERS (Sofia,Bulgaria, National Palace of Culture, 15-17 March 2013) on the 15.03.2013

8. Participation in the Educational fair - ROMANIAN INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY FAIR - RIUF 2013 on the 15th and 16.03.2013

Participation in the Educational fair - ROMANIAN INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY FAIR - RIUF 2014 on the 15th and 16.03.2014

9. Promoting "Danubius" University in the academic, economic and social environment in Albania - September 2013 in collaboration with the International Cooperation Centre, "Danubius" University.
10. Training programme and experience exchange in intercultural programmes - LLP / ERASMUS STAFF TRAINING MOBILITY- within Kadir Has University in Istanbul, Turkey, September 2013.

11. Preparation and coordination of  Danubius Chinese Film Festival - organized in collaboration with the Embassy of China in Bucharest and the International Cooperation Centre, "Danubius" University.

12. The involvement of the Intercultural Programmes Centre in the development of the International Conference THE EUROPEAN INTEGRATION- REALITIES AND PERSPECTIVES, as a  Chairman within the 8th edition -18-19 October 2013.


1. Study&Travel@RO 2015 Special program of honors courses organized for Romanian and American students developed in academic partnership with Arcadia University, Philadelphia, U.S.A., the forth edition

2. Global Leadership/Social Action 2015 – Program of honors courses organized for Romanian and American students developed in academic partnership with Arcadia University, Philadelphia, by the Intercultural Programs Centre, "Danubius" University (preparation in 2013 and 2014, to be developed in 2015.

3. Nihongo 2014

3.1. Japanese Language Learning Programme - Japanese language courses – Project intended to be achieved in collaboration with The Embassy of Japan in Bucharest and The Intercultural Cooperation Centre, "Danubius"
3.2. Nihongo Martial - a program meant to attract possible talented students from schools, in an organized manner, which would further work under the aegis of the Nihongo programme and thus, of the Intercultural Programme Centre within our University in order to achieve a sample of work in collaboration with Galati County School Inspectorate, the General Department for Social Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC) Galati, the County Department of Culture and National Heritage Galati, the International Cooperation Centre.

4. The Chinese Film Festival at Danubius - organized in collaboration with the Embassy of China in Bucharest and the International Cooperation Centre of "Danubius" University
5. The Azerbaijan Film Festival at Danubius - a project designed to be conducted in cooperation with the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Bucharest and the International Cooperation Centre of  "Danubius" University
6. KINO + -Cinema Festival - Russian Cinema Film Festival at Danubius - a project designed to be conducted, as in the case of the first edition, through the involvement of the Community of Lipoveni Russians in Romania
7. The French Film Festival at Danubius - a project designed to be conducted in cooperation with the Embassy of France in Bucharest, the French Cultural Centre and the International Cooperation Centre within “Danubius” University.

8. American Film Festival at Danubius - Project designed to be achieved in collaboration with the US Embassy in Bucharest, the American Library / Information Resource Center US Bucharest Embassy, Romania and the International Cooperation Centre, "Danubius" University
9. British Film Festival at Danubius - Project designed to be achieved in collaboration with the Embassy of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Bucharest, Bucharest British Council and the International Cooperation Centre within “Danubius” University


Depending on the funding possibilities that our University can generate in the immediate future (minimum 12 months), we propose that the next project should be implemented in the academic year 2014-2015, as follows:


Danubius Intercultural Festival 2015 is an idea that is based on the international openness shown by "Danubius" University and involves generating of several sections (folk - music and dance, theater, film) which is to be developed over seven days - complex artistic event aimed at bringing together, as socio-cultural and artistic presence, the inhabiting minorities in Romania.

"Danubius" University through the Intercultural Programmes Centre

Partner universities in Romania and abroad ( objective attained in collaboration with the International Cooperation Centre)

The communities of Romanian nationalities who wish to attend the event (objective attained in collaboration with the International Cooperation Centre)
The Embassies of the states whose representatives express their desire to attend the event (objective attained in collaboration with the International Cooperation Centre)

Depending on the funding possibilities which our University can generate in the immediate future (minimum 12 months), we propose the next project to be implemented in the academic year 2014-2015, as follows:

The Intercultural Romanian-Ukrainian University Festival 2015 is based on the international openness generated by "Danubius" University. Like the project, the Festival implies the involvement of at least two universities (e.g. Danubius and Odessa) with a double representation and annual performance starting with 2015, sequentially, at the headquarters of each of the organizers.

"Danubius" University through the Intercultural Programmes Centre

Partner University in Ukraine (recommended Odessa-objective to be achieved in collaboration with the International Cooperation Centre)

Partner universities in Romania and abroad/ not exclusively from Ukraine + Arcadia University (objective achieved in collaboration with the International Cooperation Centre)

The Ukrainian communities in Romania together with the representatives of other communities who wish to attend the event (objective achieved in collaboration with the International Cooperation Centre).
The Embassies of Ukraine (objective achieved in collaboration with the International Cooperation Centre)


The Intercultural Programmes Centre, "Danubius" University, aims to transform and enrich the local, regional and national cultural climate by systematically organizing events aimed at promoting intercultural values starting from "Danubius" University's international dimension.
"Danubius" University Centre for Intercultural Programmes proposes a development programme by devising a strategy that will engage to a great extent the international dimension of the Main University, developing and maintaining active partnerships with a number of institutions, such as:
- the Prefect Institution, Galati City Hall
- Galati County Council,
- Galati County School Inspectorate,
- the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection (Child Protection), Galati
- the Directorate for Culture and National Heritage, Galati
- "V.A.Urechia" County Library
- the History Museum
- the Museum of Visual Arts
- the Museum of Natural Sciences,
- "Fani Tardini" Theatre
- "Nae Leonard" Musical Theatre

-The Ministry of National Education
- Famous Romanian Universities
- the Embassies that "Danubius" University gets in contact with through the International Cooperation Centre
- International universities that our University has already cooperation agreements with
- Companies and international corporations that "Danubius" University gets in contact with through the International Cooperation Centre, the Marketing Centre or other structures.

A strategic partner for the future is the "Lower Danube" Archiepiscopate which, by and with the blessing of His Eminence, Archbishop Casian of "Lower Danube", is already in the closest collaboration relations with our University.

The partnership aims to develop, based on the existing good relations of cooperation, a series of intercultural exhibitions that should involve the work of the Archiepiscopate in collaboration with a partner of the same confession in a neighboring country (Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria, Hungary, Georgia, and Turkey) under the umbrella of our University.

Another future strategic partner is the Department of Culture of Cahul - the Republic of Moldova with whom we will try an intercultural reshaping of relations during the academic year 2013-2014 through and with the support of the International Cooperation Centre.
INTEREST GROUPS in view of signing agreements :
Greek Community, Galati
Greek Community, Braila,
Roma Alliance in Galati County,
The Turkish Democratic Union in Romania – Galati, Braila, Tulcea, Constanta, Bucharest
The Armenian Union in Romania - the Armenian community, Galati,
The Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania,
The Italian Association in Romania – RO.AS.IT and "Vito Grasso" Italian Cultural Institute in Bucharest
The Community of Lipoveni Russians in Romania
The Bulgarian Community in Galati

The International Cooperation Centre


The mission of the International Cooperation Centre is to develop and implement the strategy of internationalization of "Danubius" University as well as that of promoting its international image as a forum for education, science and culture in Romania, Europe and worldwide.
The activities pursued by the Centre have the following directions of development:
1. international promotion and dissemination, by any means, of the good practices of "Danubius" University,
2. promoting Danubius educational offer abroad

3. increasing of foreign faculty and students mobility to "Danubius" University,
4. increasing the interest in mobility offers for Danubius faculties and students,

5. Logistical support for Danubius students and faculties which apply for mobility programmes or who want to broaden the horizon of academic cooperation and more
6. Permanent logistical support in view of cultural adjustments and regulations in establishing individual international contacts,

7. Permanent increase of the international partnership number (academic and not only) both in the European and the extra-European space,

8. Permanently providing pertinent information to "Danubius" University management on the evolution and structure of the international environment in which the university operates, as well as on the development opportunities and international collaboration
9. Broadening the international presentation perspectives of “Danubius” educational offer
10. Logistical support for the realization of international events - conferences, workshop, seminars on the dissemination of good practices,

11. Representation in specific events connected to the university's international activity,
12. Permanent support of personal involvement in the internal environment of the university (students, teaching and administrative staff) in the development of personal relations with established or potential international university partners


1.Improving the already existing relationships by creating specific activities in order to further join the partners (joint study programmes, organizing specific activities like -Honors Courses ARCADIA- “Danubius”- thus benefiting from promoting the intercultural environment);

2. Lucrative use of existing academic partnerships by increasing mobility, to the extent to which they are possible.

The University is unfortunately tributary to the previous experience in the ERASMUS programme, prior to 2011.
3. The involvement of European universities that we are in partnership with, in the development and capitalization of European projects
4.The international promotion of "Danubius" University through the Diplomatic Corps as well as taking advantage from the benefits generated by the creation of international business contacts (not to be mixed up with successful operations generated by DIBS in the Romanian business environment and not only in the same period)

5. Promoting the internationalization process of “Danubius” University through networking in large specific events (international and national fairs with international participation, internationally renowned events such as the event of promoting the Commonwealth Universities in Romania initiated by His Excellency, Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Bucharest, event already in its second edition and to which “Danubius” University had access  from the start) conducted in Romania in this period and that has created that incipient factor in recognizing the early interest of Danubius University to participate on equal terms with other players of the moment, Romanian and foreign universities, to develop and internationally recognize the true value of Romanian private higher education.

6. The opening of new development paths of international academic relations especially in the extra-European space, starting from the capitalizations of the present opportunities, on the following relations:

Malaysia - on academic cooperation, in collaboration with the Embassy of Malaysia in Bucharest as well as the Bilateral Chamber of Commerce Romania Malaysia
the Arab States - in several directions of development *

Albania- on academic cooperation, supported by the Romanian Embassy in Tirana and Bilateral Chamber of Commerce Romania Albania.

Azerbaijan- on academic cooperation with the support of Azerbaijan Embassy in Bucharest
Georgia-on academic cooperation

Turkey-on academic cooperation, especially in increasing the number of mobilities, which can lead to "Danubius" University recognition as a reliable partner

China - on academic cooperation, diplomatic (at an intercultural level) as well as with the business environment Moldova-Ukraine

The Intercultural Programmes Centre, "Danubius" University, aims to transform and enrich

the local, regional and national cultural climate by systematically organizing events aimed at

promoting intercultural values starting from "Danubius" University's international dimension.

"Danubius" University Centre for Intercultural Programmes proposes a development

programme by devising a strategy that will engage to a great extent the international

dimension of the Main University, developing and maintaining active partnerships with a

number of institutions, such as:


- the Prefect Institution, Galati City Hall

- Galati County Council,

- Galati County School Inspectorate,

- the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection (Child Protection), Galati

- the Directorate for Culture and National Heritage, Galati

- "V.A.Urechia" County Library

- the History Museum

- the Museum of Visual Arts

- the Museum of Natural Sciences,

- "Fani Tardini" Theatre

- "Nae Leonard" Musical Theatre


-The Ministry of National Education


- Famous Romanian Universities


- the Embassies that "Danubius" University gets in contact with through the International

Cooperation Centre

- International universities that our University has already cooperation agreements with

- Companies and international corporations that "Danubius" University gets in contact with

through the International Cooperation Centre, the Marketing Centre or other structures.

A strategic partner for the future is the "Lower Danube" Archiepiscopate which, by and with

the blessing of His Eminence, Archbishop Casian of "Lower Danube", is already in the

closest collaboration relations with our University.

The partnership aims to develop, based on the existing good relations of cooperation, a series

of intercultural exhibitions that should involve the work of the Archiepiscopate in

collaboration with a partner of the same confession in a neighboring country (Ukraine,

Moldova, Bulgaria, Hungary, Georgia, and Turkey) under the umbrella of our University.

Another future strategic partner is the Department of Culture of Cahul - the Republic of

Moldova with whom we will try an intercultural reshaping of relations during the academic

year 2013-2014 through and with the support of the International Cooperation Centre.

INTEREST GROUPS in view of signing agreements :

Greek Community, Galati

Greek Community, Braila,

Roma Alliance in Galati County,

The Turkish Democratic Union in Romania – Galati, Braila, Tulcea, Constanta, Bucharest

The Armenian Union in Romania - the Armenian community, Galati,

The Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania,

The Italian Association in Romania – RO.AS.IT and "Vito Grasso" Italian Cultural Institute

in Bucharest

The Community of Lipoveni Russians in Romania

The Bulgarian Community in Galati


The Intercultural Programmes  Centre of "Danubius" University aims to be a centre of cultural interest at an international and European level. It aims to transform and enrich the local, regional and national cultural climate by systematically organizing events aimed at promoting intercultural values starting from "Danubius" University's international dimension.
According to the Decision no. 283 / 25.06.2012, with the start date 1.07.2012, The Intercultural Programmes Centre of "Danubius" University of Galati was founded.

According to the Decision no. 284 / 25.06.2012, considering the Decision no. 283 / 25.06.2012, Mr. Liviu Marinescu was appointed Coordinator of the Intercultural Programmes Centreof "Danubius" University of Galati starting with 1.07.2012.
