The Intercultural Programmes Centre, "Danubius" University, aims to transform and enrich
the local, regional and national cultural climate by systematically organizing events aimed at
promoting intercultural values starting from "Danubius" University's international dimension.
"Danubius" University Centre for Intercultural Programmes proposes a development
programme by devising a strategy that will engage to a great extent the international
dimension of the Main University, developing and maintaining active partnerships with a
number of institutions, such as:
- the Prefect Institution, Galati City Hall
- Galati County Council,
- Galati County School Inspectorate,
- the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection (Child Protection), Galati
- the Directorate for Culture and National Heritage, Galati
- "V.A.Urechia" County Library
- the History Museum
- the Museum of Visual Arts
- the Museum of Natural Sciences,
- "Fani Tardini" Theatre
- "Nae Leonard" Musical Theatre
-The Ministry of National Education
- Famous Romanian Universities
- the Embassies that "Danubius" University gets in contact with through the International
Cooperation Centre
- International universities that our University has already cooperation agreements with
- Companies and international corporations that "Danubius" University gets in contact with
through the International Cooperation Centre, the Marketing Centre or other structures.
A strategic partner for the future is the "Lower Danube" Archiepiscopate which, by and with
the blessing of His Eminence, Archbishop Casian of "Lower Danube", is already in the
closest collaboration relations with our University.
The partnership aims to develop, based on the existing good relations of cooperation, a series
of intercultural exhibitions that should involve the work of the Archiepiscopate in
collaboration with a partner of the same confession in a neighboring country (Ukraine,
Moldova, Bulgaria, Hungary, Georgia, and Turkey) under the umbrella of our University.
Another future strategic partner is the Department of Culture of Cahul - the Republic of
Moldova with whom we will try an intercultural reshaping of relations during the academic
year 2013-2014 through and with the support of the International Cooperation Centre.
INTEREST GROUPS in view of signing agreements :
Greek Community, Galati
Greek Community, Braila,
Roma Alliance in Galati County,
The Turkish Democratic Union in Romania – Galati, Braila, Tulcea, Constanta, Bucharest
The Armenian Union in Romania - the Armenian community, Galati,
The Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania,
The Italian Association in Romania – RO.AS.IT and "Vito Grasso" Italian Cultural Institute
in Bucharest
The Community of Lipoveni Russians in Romania
The Bulgarian Community in Galati