
Honoris Causa

Professor Stefan Schaltegger, PhD, Leuphana University din Luneburg
Professor Gabor Hamza, PhD, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapesta
Professor Dr. Shawn Chen, PhD
Professor KOPI KYÇYKU, PhD University of Tirana and Bucureşti
Professor Verginia VEDINAŞ,
PhD, University of Bucharest
Professor Neculai TABĂRĂ, PhD, University "Al. I. Cuza" Iași
Professor Yvon PESQUEUX, PhD, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France
Professor Florina BRAN, PhD, Deputy Dean Faculty of Food Economy and Environment, Economic Studies Academy Bucharest
Professor  Khaled BOUABDALLAH, PhD, President of the Jean Monnet University Saint-Etienne, France
Member of the Academy Răzvan THEODORESCU
Professor  Ioan ALEXANDRU, PhD, Head of the Law Department of the Public Administration  Faculty of the National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Bucharest
Professor  Aurel ARDELEAN, PhD, full member of the Medical Science Academy, rector of the University “Vasile Goldiş" from Arad
Vince EDWARDS, PhD, professor of  International Management  and head of the Business Research Center for Eastern Europe (CREEB) at the University Buckinghamshire New.
Member of the Academy Mihai CIMPOI, honorary member of the Romanian Academy, renowned literary critic, specialist in Mihai Eminescu and essay writer from the Republic of Moldova.
Professor  Willi PETERSEN, PhD, from the University of Flenburg, head of the Professional Training  Berufsbildungsinstitut Arbeit und Technik (biat).
Professor Steve O. MICHAEL, Vice Provost for Diversity and Academic Initiatives of Kent State University, Ohio, USA.
Associate Professor Christian DAUDEL, University Jean Monnet of Saint-Étienne and Head of the External Relations Department of the Foundation for National Defence Studies (FEDN).
Professor  Viorel MÎNZU, PhD, rector of the Lower Danube University of Galaţi.
Ion ILIESCU, senator, former President of Romania.
Professor  George ANTONIU, PhD, scientific director of the Legal Research Institute of the Romanian Academy.
Habilitated Doctor Gheorghe AVORNIC, PhD, director of the Scientific Research Institute in the Field of Law from the Republic of Moldova.





University Chief Registrar: eng. Elena Cociu


Tel: +40.372.361.115

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Head of Rectorate's Office: philologist Mihai Ana-Iuliana

Tel: +40.372.361.102

Fax: +40.372.361.290

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Secretary: jurist Victoria Scripnic

Tel: +40.372.361.103

Fax: +40.372.361.290

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Office of study documents  issuing


Secretary: eng. Iustina Ieremie

Tel: +40.372.361.180

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Schedule for the Office of study documents issuing

Monday-Friday: 8:30 - 9:30; 13:30 - 15:30


The Office for the Technology of Information and Communication


Head of Office: eng. Florin Postolachersz 1rsz florinpostolache

Tel: 004.0372.361.222

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Informatics system engineer: Andrei TatuliciAndreiTatulici

Tel: 004.0372.361.160

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Programmer: computer expert Cristian BaciuCristiBaciu

Tel: 004.0372.361.161

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Head accountant

economist: Monica Isvoranu

Tel: +40.372.361.114


Financial office

economist Gianina Roman

Tel: +40.372.361.170


Pay office

eng. Camelia Simescu

Tel: +40.372.361.178


Pay office

economist Oana-Monica Bulgaru

Tel: +40.372.361.177




Head of Public Relations Office: PhD, Assistant Professor Alina Şooş

Tel: +40.733.180.311

E-mail: soosalina@This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Internal Service for Prevention and Protection


Head of serviceGabriela Ene

Tel: +40.372.361.155 ec. Gabriela Ene

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Inspector for Civil Protection and F.P.E.(fire prevention and extinction)AndreiTatulici

economist: Andrei Tatulici

Tel: +40.372.361.160

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Eng. Iustina Ieremie

Tel: +40.372.361.180

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Technical - Administrative Service


Head of ServiceIonelGrosu

economist Ionel Grosu

Tel: +40.372.361.156











Speech of Mr President Professor Benone Pușcă, PhD at the 20 years’ anniversary of “Danubius"University of Galati


Ladies and Gentlemen,

“Danubius" University of Galaţi celebrates two decades of existence. Certainly, this is an insignificant period in relation to Time itself, to the great conquests and creations of the human genius and, certainly, insignificant in relation to the university tradition of historical Moldavia, of Romania, of Europe and of the entire world.

However, for us, those in “Danubius", 20 years of university existence in Galaţi, the spiritual city, seated not only at the meeting of the Siret with our great river, but also of great European cultures and civilizations, it means a lot! Certainly, it is an important contribution to the three quarters of a century since Galati has been not only a maritime port on the Danube, not only the capital of the Lower Danube, but also a strong and traditional Romanian university center, that has represented – and it still does – a significant contribution to the flourishing of the country!

It is an example of coexistence of two educational systems; that is, the public and the private one, both animated by the same noble ideals of the country’s evolution, through the education of its children in the spirit of the demands of the knowledge society. Obviously, this is the reason for both educational systems to coexist, on the grounds of calm, reason and understanding, but also on the grounds of an inevitable and non-antagonical competition, as in all fields.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please notice that, in accordance with the best traditions of Romanian education, here, at “Danubius", we build not only a university structure, but also a Romanian spirit, ideal for progress! This is, firstly, due to the fact that our university forms a true academic basis, materialized in the existence of a teaching staff consisting entirely of doctors and PhD candidates that occupy the entire portfolio of teaching assignments from assistant to university professor. Please, also notice that, upon wishing to be in synchronization with modern university demands, we have built at “Danubius" a strong material foundation, materialized in amphitheatres, course and seminar rooms, well equipped labs, library, reading rooms, sports grounds, a TV studio and the necessary administrative space. All these have been frequented, in these 20 years, by more than 15.000 students and master’s students, originating not only from Galaţi, as an indicator that our achievements are recognized in several areas of the country.

Our endeavour to achieve a high performance education has been encouraged by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports that has always congratulated us for our achievements. Furthermore, we have always had the support of the local public administration especially that of the Mayor of Galati city, the President of the Galati County Council, the county’s Prefect that we thank on this occasion.

We have to mention that, in our institution, we have been constantly interested in bringing the students closer to the practical side of the profession they embraced through their options in the admission contest. In this sense, they have been guided by our professors in scientific and art circles, in school press offices, in order to obtain special performances in research, journalism, as well as to acquire special abilities connected to the activity of magistrate, lawyer, public notary, legal counselor, economist, public relations specialist, diplomats and administrators. In this context, we mention that our students that participated in the Legal Clinic contest organized by the University of Bucharest were situated among the first winners.

We have to say that, in its 20 years of existence, “Danubius" University of Galaţi has organized more than 30 scientific sessions, symposia and conferences, most of them with international attendance, whose works were published in volumes and publications of our institution, such as: “ Danubius University Annals ", “Danubius Universitas", the magazines “Acta Universitas Juridica", and in “Euroeconomica", quoted by BDI.

It was not by chance that “Danubius" University of Galaţi was certified, in 2008, as a research-development institution and was ranked 5th place in Romania among the universities certified as research-development institutions, according to the decision of ANCS from July 2008. All these were the foreground for the growth of our university’s prestige, proven by the fact that, in 2005, “Danubius" awards the title of “DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA". This title was awarded to Ion Iliescu, former President of Romania, Academy member Mihai Cimpoi, Academy member Răzvan Theodorescu, as well as to professors from France, Germany, Sweden and the U.S.A., representatives of prestigious universities with which “Danubius" has scientific, friendship and cooperation relations.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

You are in the presence of a new structure, built on a free foundation, with recognized achievements!
And today, when we live in the era of globalization and also of the fourth revolution in the history of civilization, the informatics revolution, you will find out new things about our institution, about our collaborators, about our scientific and cultural preoccupations. You will find out that, along with the inevitable passage of time, we are thinking of becoming ourselves our own story. Welcome to “Danubius" and allow me to wish great success to the International Conference!

I wish you all the best professional achievements!

Thank you!

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Media Gallery

After graduating the Law Faculty within “Danubius” University in 1999, in the same year graduating the Administrative Sciences at the Faculty of Public Administration within the National School of Political and Administrative Studies in Bucharest, I became a teacher right after graduation.

I worked as a lawyer, but I returned to my first passion, that of being a teacher. I worked with several higher education institutions, teaching at the most prestigious universities in Romania. I should mention the extraordinary professional experiences that I lived at the National Institute of Magistracy where I coordinated the activity of trainee magistrates; then I taught Civil Law at the Police Academy and the National School of Political and Public Administration Sciences, Bucharest.

As my soul had always remained in Galati, here at “Danubius” University of Galati I chose in 2008 to dedicate my entire energy and to implement a daring vision for that period in which there was a fierce competition of higher education institutions in Romania.

I managed to achieve that through effective strategic measures, by finding alternatives to diversify our offer and to change our approach. And all of this was achieved with the help of a dedicated staff, enthusiastic students and graduates of our university.

As a Rector, along with my team, we have approached the future of the modern "Danubius" University which has valued the old traditions of higher education, as true strategic visionaries, assuming our new mentality of project management regardless of the field in which we operate: education, research-development-innovation or services.

Internationalization, entrepreneurship, open and online are the key terms that will support and direct our determination to fulfill the objectives of “Danubius” University mission, the university that managed to connect the global community through quality, professionalism, enthusiasm and involvement of its people: students, teachers, non-teaching staff, graduates.





Chief Secretary: Anca Alexandra Dodan
Tel: +40.372.361.207


Chief Secretary: Viorica - Veronica Serea
Tel: +40.372.361.217


Chief Secretary: Daniela Tănase
Tel: +40.372.361.227

Rector's Office

Senior Assistant to the Rector:
Mihai Ana-Iuliana
Information for Students: +40.372.361.251
Inter-Institutional Relations: +40.372.361.102
Fax: +40.372.361.290