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Training service for operators in the system of lifelong learning and professional formation and active labor politics (Training for ITE Integration)

Rolul DiSEDD: Partener

Coordonator pentru DiSEDD: Doinita ARITON

Leonardo da Vinci, Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013, Multilateral projects transfer of innovation,

Project ID: LLP- LDV/TOI/2007/IT/403

Coordinator: Area Lavoro, Formazione ed Istruzione,

Provincia Di Perugia, Italia

Study on TEchnology’s impact in Primary Schools (STEPS)

Rolul DiSEDD: Corespondent national

Coordonator pentru DiSEDD: Doinita ARITON

DG Education and Culture of the European Commission,

European Schoolnet tender to EACEA/2007/04: “Study on the impact of ICT in primary schools”

Coordination: European Schoolnet (legal name: EUN Partnership AISBL; short name EUN) and Empirica (short name EMP)

eHealth benchmarking

Rolul DiSEDD: Corespondent national

Coordonator pentru DiSEDD: Doinita ARITON

DG Information Society and Media of the European Commission


Empirica Gesellschaft für Kommunikations– und Technologieforschung mbH, Bonn, Germany

VirIncCreate – Virtual business incubator for the creative industries

Rolul DiSEDD: Partener

Coordonator pentru DiSEDD: Viorel ARITON

Leonardo da Vinci Community Action Programme on Vocational Training, Second Phase 2000-2006, Procedure B, Pilot Projects, Language Competences, Transnational Networks, Agreement no. 2006 UK/06/B/F/PP - 162_514


Pacificstream Ltd. Liverpool UK

EUQuaSIT – European qualification strategies in Information and Communication Technology

Rolul DiSEDD: Partener

Coordonator pentru DiSEDD: Viorel ARITON

Leonardo da Vinci Community, Vocational Training Action Programme, Second Phase 2000-2006, Procedure C, Thematic actions, reference material and EUR projects,


Germany: biat - Berufsbildungsinstitut Arbeit und Technik - University of Flensburg