This program aims at offering students the perfect environment to develop high level skills for access and mobility inside the frame of international study, to gain very good competences in communicating in at least two international languages, to get familiar with the international business environment and the European Union’s institutions and policies, professional compatibility for engaging in a big range of activities, from private internal affairs that organize foreign trading activities, to multinational companies and international institutions.

Study subjects: Current trends in international relations, International economic relations, Public relations in the international environment, World economy, Global changes, Strategies of business trading, Economical media dimensions, Business ethics in international relations.

The study curriculum includes stages of specializing practice during the first year of study, 3 weeks, and summing 90 hours at the end of the second semester.

Possible carrier paths

The graduates of this program may develop a professional carrier in a variety of institutions and organizations such as:

  • Companies and institutions of foreign trade;
  • Companies that run import-export transactions;
  • Professional organizations with international cooperation programs;
  • Representatives and branches of foreign companies;
  • International relations departments of banks;
  • Insurance companies and international financial institutions;
  • European Union’s institutions and bodies;
  • World economy and international market institutions and research centres;
  • Agencies specialized in the research of international markets and promotion services on the international markets;
  • Governmental agencies for managing the international financing;
  • Organizing and running international auctions and transactions on stock;
  • Transport companies and international expeditions.

Admission is based on the documents sent in by the candidates, taking into account the undergraduate grade average.
