
1st semester
- October/ November–information session concerning opportunities for participation in study or traineeship mobility programmes;
- November/ December–selection of students who will conduct study or traineeship mobility programmes in the 2nd semester of the current academic year;
In case of vacancy for all available mobility scholarships, new selections will be made.

2nd semester
- February/ March–information session concerning opportunities for participation in study or traineeship mobility programmes;
- March/ April–selection of students who will conduct study or traineeship mobility programmes in the 1st semester of the future academic year;
In case of vacancy for all available mobility scholarships, new selections will be made.


The European Programmes Office aims to coordinate the participation of "Danubius" University in programmes with European funding as Erasmus + or EEA, thus giving students, faculties and administrative staff opportunities to engage in traineeship mobility or other types of projects in the field of education and professional training.





Institutional Coordinator
Associate Professor Emanuel Marinescu, PhD

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Tel: +40.733.180.143


Specialist Relații Internaționale

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Tel: +40.725.225.801



Training moblity for academic and non-academic staff

General eligibility criteria for the Erasmus and EEA training mobility:
a. The ones who may participate in the selection: tenured teachers within "Danubius" University engaged in teaching, seminar or laboratory activities.
b. The ones who may participate in the selection: all faculties within "Danubius" University, regardless of the degree / teaching position, namely: assistants PhD or PhD students, lecturers PhD or PhD students, associate professors, professors;
c. The ones who may participate in the selection of non-academic staff employed at "Danubius", regardless of the activity field;
d. The applicants must be Romanian citizens, citizens from the countries participating in the Erasmus + / EEA or citizens of other countries. The applicants must be permanent employees of  University "Danubius"
e. Knowing a foreign language (the foreign language required for the desired mobility: English, French, Italian etc.).

The documents that candidates must submit in the file are:

An Updated C.V. (in English and Romanian).

The letter of motivation (in English and Romanian) that must contain the argumentation of the importance of the work plan for the institutional development requirements of "Danubius" University.

Training  programme, for training mobility, a document that must contain an activity plan to be carried out by the applicant during the mobility period.
Applicants may choose a single host university, so each applicant may file only one Training Programme.

The criteria according to which the selection will be made are as follows (maximum 40 points):
C.V.: maximum 5 points (for maximum rating the following elements will be considered: specialized training, honors / awards, membership in professional organizations, professional / scientific organizations / companies etc.) - 10% of the total score;

Letter of motivation: maximum 10 points (for maximum rating, the importance of the applicant's activity plan for institutional development requirements of University "Danubius", will be considered) - 20% of the total score.

Training programme: maximum 25 points (for maximum rating, the relevance of the following issues will be considered: the mobility objectives, the expected results, the activities to be carried out during the mobility, the mobility benefits for the applicant and the university) - 50% of the total score.

Additional priority points:

Applicable priority for Erasmus and EEA: Applicants who have not benefited from Erasmus or EEA grants during the previous years will receive 10 more points.
Applicable priority for EEA Programme: According to the EEA Applicant Guidebook, applicants who are part of the following categories will receive 8 more points: applicants up to 35 years, Roma applicants and applicants with special needs.

Preparation of the mobility

Mobility for academic and non-academic staff

After the establishment of the beneficiaries of STA and STT mobility, the following stages will be considered regarding the mobility planning:

The European Programmes Office will notify the host university / institution with respect to the selection results and will request confirmation concerning the beneficiary acceptance  (which may take the form of a letter of acceptance).
The European Programmes Office will forward to the beneficiaries the contact details of the Host University / institution in order to jointly decide the mobility period and for the Teaching / Training Programme to be approved.

The European Programmes Office will invite the beneficiary to sign the financial contract under which he/she will receive the grant allocated for the STA/STT mobility gained after the selection. The beneficiary is required to pay the bank transfer fees of the grant. The grant can be transferred in a tranche of 100% or in two tranches, according to the financial contract provisions.
The beneficiary has the obligation to organize the mobility (transportation, accommodation, health insurance etc.).

During the mobility, each faculty or non-didactic staff will provide a replacement or a person to take over the didactic or administrative responsibilities. For faculties, teaching, seminar or laboratory activities which overlap the mobility period will be rescheduled.
When returning from the mobility, the beneficiary must submit to the European Programmes Office the following documents attesting the conducting of the mobility, the Certificate of participation issued at the end of the mobility by the host university / institution, the transport ticket and receipt / payment order (boarding pass, bus ticket, train, etc.), the final narrated report

The final certificate of participation must show the exact period of mobility and must correspond to the period mentioned in the financial contract. If the mobility beneficiary did not observe the period specified in the contract, conducting a mobility with a shorter duration than that specified, will be obliged to wholly return the received grant. The extension of the mobility by the beneficiary does not oblige "Danubius" University to supplement the initially received grant specified in the financial contract.


Mobilitățile de studiu se pot desfășura în următoarele destinații:

Ţara Universitatea Cod Erasmus  Domenii de colaborare Perioada valabilitate acord Tipul mobilităţii Responsabil instituţional Erasmus
Bulgaria Universitatea din Ruse "Angel Kanchev" BG ROUSSE01 Științe economice
Relaţii internaţionale
2014-2020 Student Mobility
Teaching Staff Mobility
Administrative and Technical  Staff Mobility

Associate Professor PhD. Juliana POPOVA
Tel.: +359 82 888 255, 
Fax: +359 82 888 650, 
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Franţa Universitatea “Jean Monnet” – Saint-Etienne   F ST-ETIE01 
Ştiinţe economice
Ştiinţe umaniste
Relaţii internaţionale
 2013-2014 Student Mobility
Teaching Staff Mobility

Dr. Serge Riffard
Tel: +33 477 43 79 70
Fax: +33 477 43 79 71
e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Italia Universitatea din Camerino I CAMERIN01 Drept
Relaţii internaţionale şi studii europene
2014-2021 Student Mobility
Teaching Staff Mobility
Administrative and Technical  Staff Mobility

Prof. Carlotta Latini
Tel: +39 0737 404619
Fax: + 39 0737 404610
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Grecia Universitatea din Piraeus G PIREAS01 Ştiinţe economice
Relații internaționale
2013-2017 Student Mobility
Teaching Staff Mobility
Training Staff Mobility

Helen Chalatsaki
Tel: +30 210 4142170
Fax: +30 210 414 2347
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Grecia National Technical University of Athens G ATHINE02 Ştiinţe economice 2014-2021 Student Mobility
Teaching Staff Mobility
Training Staff Mobility

Aristea Kapetanaki / Vassiliki Thoma
Tel:+30210-7721017, Fax:+302107721949

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Grecia Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania G CHANIA01 Ştiinţe economice, masterat 2013-2016 Student Mobility
Teaching Staff Mobility
Training Staff Mobility

Dr. Ioannis Livieratos
Tel: +30 28210 35000,
Fax: +30 28210 35001
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Letonia Riga Stradins University LV RIGA03 Drept
Relaţii Internaţionale
2014-20121 Student Mobility
Teaching Mobility
Training Mobility
Lana Amosova
Tel: +371 67 409 264

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Lituania ALYTAUS KOLEGIJA University of Applied Sciences LT ALYTUS01 Ştiinţe economice
Afaceri şi administraţie
2014-2021 Student Mobility
Teaching mobility
Training mobility

Rozalija Radlinskaite
Tel: +370 315 79342

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Polonia Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw PL WARSZAW07  Drept 2011-2014 Student Mobility
Teaching Staff Mobility
Administrative Staff Mobility

Dr. Jacek Tomczyk
Tel: +4822 561 89 49 (94)
Fax: +4822 561 90 13
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Polonia Philological School of Higher Education in Wroclaw  PL WROCLAW 20  Comunicare  2013-2016 Student Mobility
Teaching Staff Mobility
Administrative Staff Mobility

Anna Zaslona
Tel: + 48 71 395 84 52
Fax: +48 71 322 10 06
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Polonia Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan  POZNAN PL01 Ştiinţe Sociale
Studii culturale
 2014-2021 Student Mobility
Teaching Staff Mobility

 Dr Iwona Borkowska
Tel: +48 618294430, 
Fax: +48 618294406,
e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Polonia Opole University PL OPOLE 01 Drept 2013-2014 Student Mobility
Teaching Staff Mobility

Aleksandra Schwierz
tel /fax: +48 77 54 15 975

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Polonia University of Lodz PL LODZ01 Ştiinţe economice 2013-2017 Student Mobility
Teaching Staff Mobility
Staff Training Mobility

Eleonora Bielawska-Batorowicz

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Polonia Radom Academy of Economics PL RADOM04 Ştiinţe economice
Relaţii internaţionale
2013-2014 Student Mobility
Teaching Staff Mobility
Staff Training Mobility

Karolina Fokt
Tel: +48 48 363 22 90 ext. 45 
Fax: +48 48 363 22 91
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Polonia Pedagogical University in Warsaw PL WARSAW23 Științe sociale 2013-2014 Student Mobility
Teaching Staff Mobility
Staff Training Mobility


Pandy 13 Street, 02-202 Poland, 
Tel: + 48 22 823 66 23 ext.114, 
e-  mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Slovenia University of Ljubljana  SI LJUBLJA01 Comunicare
Relaţii internaţionale
Administraţie publică
 2013-2016 Student Mobility
Teaching Staff Mobility

Katja Cerjak
Tel: + 386 1 24 18 592
Fax: + 386 1 24 18 593
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ungaria University of Szeged HU SZEGED01 Drept
Administraţie publică
Științe economice
Administrarea afacerilor și management
2013-2020 Student Mobility
Teaching Staff Mobility

Gabriella Balog Molnár
Tel: +36 62 420 895
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Turcia Kadir Has University  TR ISTANBU16 Relaţii internaţionale
Administrarea afacerilor
 2009-2013 Student Mobility
Teaching Staff Mobility
Administrative and Technical  Staff Mobility

 Ayca Ozturk
Tel: +90 212 533 65 32/ 1215
Fax: +90 212 533 65 15/ + 90 212 534 80 45
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Turcia  Karabuk University  TR KARABUK 01 Informatică economică
Ştiinţe economice
 2009-2013 Student Mobility
Teaching Staff Mobility
Administrative  Staff Mobility

Oya Önalan 
Tel: +90 370 433 6687
Fax: +90 370 433 6697
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Turcia  Selcuk University  TR KONYA01 Relaţii internaţionale
Ştiinţe economice
Administraţie publică
 2013-2014 Student Mobility
Teaching Staff Mobility
Administrative and Technical  Staff Mobility

 Dr. Onder Kutlu
Tel: + 90 (332) 2232550
Fax: + 90 (332) 2410102
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Nuh Naci Yazgan University


Administrarea afacerilor şi economie 2013-2019 Student Mobility
Teaching Staff Mobility
Staff Training Mobility

Asst. Prof. Şaban Suat OZSARIYILDIZ
Tel: +90 (352) 324 0000
Fax: +90 (352) 324 00 04

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mobilităţile de practică se pot derula în următoarele destinaţii :

Ofertă plasament - International Relations Office - University of Teacher Education, Vienna

Prague College - Centre for Research and Interdisciplinary Studies (CRIS)
Prague College offers excellent practical teaching and is a great place to learn and develop a career. Students from more than ninety countries study at the college, and our Masters, Bachelors, Professional and Foundation programmes lead to internationally-recognized British degrees and qualifications.

Alongside activities and events organized by our Research Centre, Humanities Society and Student Council, we offer a wide range of opportunities for students to enjoy the experience of an international university environment. Prague College has been selected by Cambridge University Students' Union as an "educational destination for success" and identified as an "increasingly attractive option for British graduates wanting practical university education for a career."

The Centre for Research and Interdisciplinary Studies (CRIS) was established at Prague College to promote and develop the common research and development needs of the college. Empirical material for research is based on on-going creative and entrepreneurial projects undertaken by students and faculty involving a wide variety of academic and business partners.

NAR Marketing - ofertă plasament Cehia

Ofertă de plasament Danemarca

Ofertă de plasament Graphic Designer
Ofertă de plasament Marketing
Ofertă de plasament Tourism&Marketing
Ofertă de plasament Web Designer

Descriere ofertă de plasament - Grecia

Universitatea din Camerino - companiile-gazdă din Camerino vor fi identificate cu sprijinul Universității din Camerino

Descriere ofertă plasament Malta
Prezentare a organizației din Malta care organizează plasamentul
Prezentare Malta
Viața în Malta - prețuri orientative
Testimoniale plasament Malta

Ofertă plasament British International School, Londra
Ofertă plasament Centre for International English, University of Glamorgan

Ofertă plasament - Brand designer, Web designer, International projects management

Ofertă plasament - Asistent departament administrativ
Ofertă plasament - Asistent departament internațional
Ofertă plasament - Asistent Graphic Design
Ofertă plasament - Asistent management cultural si promovare
Ofertă plasament - Asistent librărie
Ofertă plasament - Asistent traducător Engleză - Spaniolă
Ofertă plasament - Asistent departament artistic teatru

Ofertă plasament Slovenia

Ofertă plasament Ungaria

Alte posibile destinații:

Marea Britanie

Mobilităţile de studiu sau de practică se pot derula în baza unui acord în oricare din următoarele ţări:

Statele membre ale Uniunii Europene



Republica Cehă
















Ţările de Jos








Regatul Unit

Ţările din afara UE participante la program

Fosta Republică Iugoslavă a Macedoniei






Ţări partenere

După cel de-al doilea apel la proiecte Erasmus+ (planificat să fie publicaT în luna Septembrie 2014), mobilităţile studenţilor şi ale personalului universitar se vor putea derula nu doar în Europa dar şi cu ţările partenere din întreaga lume.


Study or traineeship mobility programmes


The mobility activity must meet the learning and personal development needs of students. The period of study abroad must be part of the student’s curriculum in order to graduate the first cycle (B.A. studies) or the second cycle (M.A. studies). Traineeships programmes abroad are supported by both B.A. and M.A. cycles, both during their course and no later than one year after graduation. Study mobility programmes may include a traineeship period.

Students can conduct, both inside and outside Europe, the following types of mobility programmes:
Study mobility programmes abroad at "Danubius" University higher education institution partner (3-12 months);
Traineeship mobility programmes (internship / placement programme) abroad in an institution or any other relevant job (2-12 months).

The monthly ERASMUS grant level, set at national level by the National Agency for Community Programmes in Education and Vocational Training (ANPCDEFP) for 2014-2015 is:

Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Norway, Sweden, UK, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey

500 €/month

Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia

450 €/month


Teaching mobility programmes for faculties.
The programme of a mobility project differs from one field to another and, according to this, may include training or placements courses, teaching activities, internships or volunteer periods, youth exchange, job shadowing.

General eligibility criteria for the Erasmus and EEA teaching mobility:
a. Those who may participate in the selection: tenured teachers within "Danubius" University engaged in teaching, seminar or laboratory activities.
b. Those who may participate in the selection: all faculties within "Danubius" University, regardless of the degree / teaching position, namely: assistants PhD or PhD students, lecturers PhD or PhD students, associate professors PhD, professors PhD;
c. The faculties must be Romanian citizens, citizens from the countries participating in the Erasmus + / EEA or citizens of other countries. The applicants must be permanent employees of University "Danubius"
d. Knowing a foreign language (the foreign language required for the desired mobility: English, French, Italian etc.).

The documents that candidates must submit in the file are:
an Updated C.V. (in English and Romanian).
The letter of motivation (in English and Romanian) that must contain the argumentation of the importance of the intended work plan for the institutional development requirements of "Danubius" University.

Teaching programme, for teaching mobility, a document that must contain a plan of the activities to be carried out by the applicant during the mobility period.
Recommendation from the faculty department.

Applicants may choose a single host university, so each applicant may file only one Teaching Programme.

The criteria according to which the selection of the faculties will be made are as follows (maximum 40 points):

C.V.: maximum 5 points (for maximum rating the following elements will be considered: specialized training, honors / awards, membership in professional organizations, professional / scientific organizations / companies etc.) - 10% of the total score;

Letter of motivation: maximum 10 points (for maximum rating, the importance of the applicant's activity plan for institutional development requirement of "Danubius" University, will be considered) - 20% of the total score.

Teaching programme: maximum 25 points (for maximum rating, the relevance of the following issues will be considered: the mobility objectives, the expected results, the activities to be carried out during the mobility, the mobility benefits for the applicant and the university) - 50% of the total score.

Additional priority points:

Applicable priority for Erasmus and EEA: Applicants who have not benefited from Erasmus or EEA grants during the previous years will receive 10 more points.
Applicable priority for EEA Programme: According to the EEA Applicant Guidebook, applicants that fall into the following categories will receive 8 more points: applicants up to 35 years, Roma applicants and applicants with special needs.


Chief Secretary: Anca Alexandra Dodan
Tel: +40.372.361.207


Chief Secretary: Viorica - Veronica Serea
Tel: +40.372.361.217


Chief Secretary: Daniela Tănase
Tel: +40.372.361.227

Rector's Office

Senior Assistant to the Rector:
Mihai Ana-Iuliana
Information for Students: +40.372.361.251
Inter-Institutional Relations: +40.372.361.102
Fax: +40.372.361.290