The Faculty of Communication and International Relations is a structure of “Danubius" University, created through the merging between the Faculty of Communication Sciences and the Faculty of International Relations and European Studies. This step was legalized through the G.D. no. 966/2011. The Faculty of Communication Sciences, Social Communication and Public Relations specialization was authorized to function temporarily through the Government Decision no. 693/2003, starting from October 1st 2003, concerning the accredited or authorized to work temporarily university structures and specializations of higher education. In 2004, through the G.D. 1609, the name of this specialization became Communication and Public Relations.
The initial structure of the study plan was of 4 years, and, as a consequence of the Bologna Process, we adopted a three-year structure. So, in 2007, two series of students graduated, one long term and one short term. After two Bachelor series and with an improved group of teaching professionals, the Communication and Public Relations programme was accredited through the G.D. 169/2011.
The Faculty of International Relations and European Studies, International Relations and European Studies specialization was founded based on the Recommendation no. 1700 of July 15th 2005 of the National Council for Academic Assesment and Accreditation and was authorised to function temporarily for the full-time study mode through the G.D. no. 676 of June 28th 2007, published in the Official Gazette no. 481/18.07.2007.