Faculty of Law

Alegeri Director Departament si membru in Consiliul Departamentului

Candidati pentru functia de Director Departament:
Lect.univ.dr. Savenco Iulian-Georgel [CV] [Plan managerial]
Candidati pentru membri ai Consiliului Departamentului:
Lect.univ.dr. Costache Mirela


În conformitate cu Metodologia referitoare la procesul de stabilire și alegere a structurilor și funcțiilor de conducere la nivelul Universității „Danubius" din Galați,  miercuri, 21.10.2015, ora 12.00, are loc ședința de alegeri pentru funcția de director departament și de membru în Consiliul Departamentului de Drept Public și Drept Privat, din cadrul Facultății de Drept, în sala A 31.


The Faculty of Law within the "Danubius" University of Galati assumed a student-centered teaching mission, structured around the following objectives:
●     the training of legal professionals with a solid professional training, based on the solid assimilation of the science of law and of related sciences, on the understanding of the spirit which sums up the knowledge that provides the specialized training in the legal field into a whole;
●     the permanent correlation of theory with the practical application of knowledge, the building of the capacity of applying the assimilated knowledge, the grasping of their practical destination;
●    the fusing of legal training with the objective to achieve a healthy moral education, focused on learning and promoting authentic values such as honesty, justice, honesty, fairness, human solidarity, tolerance and non-discrimination etc .;
●    stimulating and nurturing the creative spirit of the students' interest for following and learning all that is new and valuable in the field for which they are preparing;
●     educating the tradition of free thought and of academic democracy, of moral ethics, in the spirit of recognition of the rights and fundamental liberties of man.



Senior Lecturer Ana Alina IONESCU - DUMITRACHE

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Consultations schedule:
Dean's Office C1
Wednesday: 12.00 - 14.00
Thursday: 16. 00 - 18.00

Ana Alina Ionescu Dumitrache


Senior Lecturer Iulian Savenco, PhD

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Iulian Savenco

Knowledge, culture, spirituality are the key elements for forming the man and the society. At their foundation it lays the education, the basic concept for human edification. Higher education institutions are, traditionally, places for knowledge transfer that help the students to become independent in thinking, to watch critically over the society and the world they live in.
Founded in 1992, The Law Faculty, the first faculty of the “Danubius” University from Galati, Romania has assumed the role of contributing to the development and recognition of the fundamental values, aiming to achieve the ideals that belong to the whole world today: to give the possibility of the young people to develop their capacities at the highest level, to be well prepared in their chosen domain, to contribute effectively to personal fulfillment, to play an important role in forming a democratic, civilized and tolerant society.
The evolution of the Law Faculty can be synthesized by several key elements: promoting a culture of quality, performance, efficiency, competitiveness.
So welcome to our Faculty, where we will provide the basis for your career development as magistrate, lawyer, notary or legal advisor!


Chief Secretary: Anca Alexandra Dodan
Tel: +40.372.361.207
E-mail: drept@univ-danubius.ro


Chief Secretary: Viorica - Veronica Serea
Tel: +40.372.361.217
E-mail: economic@univ-danubius.ro


Chief Secretary: Daniela Tănase
Tel: +40.372.361.227
E-mail: cri@univ-danubius.ro

Rector's Office

Senior Assistant to the Rector:
Mihai Ana-Iuliana
Information for Students: +40.372.361.251
Inter-Institutional Relations: +40.372.361.102
Fax: +40.372.361.290
E-mail: rectorat@univ-danubius.ro